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Posts posted by sequituri

  1. This is all I needed along with the textures/blocks/tutorial_block.png and lang/en_US.lang file:

    @Mod(modid = ExampleMod.MODID, name=ExampleMod.NAME, version = ExampleMod.VERSION)
    public class ExampleMod
        public static final String MODID = "examplemod";
        public static final String NAME = "An example mod";
        public static final String VERSION = "1.0";
        public static Block tutorialBlock;
        public void preinit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
            tutorialBlock = new TutorialBlock(Material.rock);


    The block class is a simple subclass of Block that calls the super-constructor.

    And it just works. The block shows up in the creative tab, I can place and break it, and it looks pretty.


    More code to be added when I think of what I want it to do.

  2. AI haven't tried it, but I would probably test for room in inventory in the event and cancel it (set result to cancelled), if it would result in too many items/stacks. I am curious about the function 'net.minecraft.item.Item:onItemRightClick( ... )' which returns an ItemStack.

    I suspect overriding it in your Item subclass might accomplish the same effect easier. Anyone know for sure?


  3. Hmmm. If I were a betting person, I'd bet you don't program in java much.


    Why? Oh, Why did you put your mod in package source? And then put your Items and such in different packages? None of that is proper java.


    Use a package such as com.eaglenator.itz, or something similar and put all your classes in the package.


    Also, why do you create and pass an Object Array to addRecipe. The signature expects multiple parameters, starting with an ItemStack instance and including the 3 Strings, and repeated Chars, and Item/Block/ItemStack instances in the proper order.

    Try something like this:

    GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(anItem), new String[]{"ABC", "CBA", " B "}, 'A', Items.arrow, 'B', Items.boat, 'C', Items.bone);


    GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(anItem), "ABC", "CBA", " B ", 'A', Items.arrow, 'B', Items.boat, 'C', Items.bone);


    It's not rocket science, but is precise.

  4. public static void addCrafting(){
        GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(sword),
    new Object[] {	" XX",
    			" x ",
    			" x ",
    			" / ",
    			'X', Items.ingot,	
    			'/', net.minecraft.init.Items.stick

    I dunno if it's just me, but it appears that your crafting table has 4 rows in the grid. I hope that is wrong and you removed the extra row in your actual code.


  5. It looks like pixelmod has not been updated for Forge 1.7.2 from the looks of your log:

    A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
    -- Head --
       at pixelmon.Pixelmon.<clinit>(Pixelmon.java:71)
       at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)


    I'd check the forums on minecraftforum.com and see what it's current status is.

  6. I see this text in your log:

    [17:23:40 INFO]: Client> [17:23:40] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod shadersmodcore.loading.SMCFMLLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
    [17:23:40 INFO]: Client> java.lang.AbstractMethodError
    [17:23:40 INFO]: Client>    at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager.loadCoreMod(CoreModManager.java:425)


    I'm gonna venture a guess that your problem is in a "coremod" that is broken. Try loading MC without that and see if it still fails.



  7. I must be using the wrong version of ForgeGradle or Forge itself, as none of my mojang code in Block or Blocks or Item show a deobfuscated name. I have forge-1.7.2-, and I wonder if it just didn't work or I followed the wrong instructions.


    Was I supposed to run gradlew with setupDevWorkspace or setupDecompWorkspace? I used the Dev one, because I saw that in one of these threads.

  8. **Code Removed by Yuri6037**

    REASON : Dimension problem solved...



    Note : All codes that i'm posting will dissapear like this one ; in effect StoneLineMod sources, textures and sounds are property of StoneLine Developpement Team.

    in plus this person will be permanently banned from any server that Yuri6037 owns... So never try to decompile my codes or you will get in all my future game servers : The Ban Hammer Has Spoken !


    Yeah, well that would make others less likely to want to help you fix your coding issues, others like myself. Also, most of the problems with posted code here on the forums only go as examples of things for others to avoid and thus improves the modding community overall. You can have all your code back redacted as your wont. Just don't thing it will endear you to the other modders who are struggling in these fora.


  9. You guys are doing a tremendous job here.


    Let me offer my help in continuing the work of deobfuscating any of the sources that need it. It would be great if I could refactor on my end (in Eclipse) and then just push the diff to a repo somewhere. I'm willing to work with anyone who is taking this on. Thanks a bunch.



  10. Hi all,


    I'm new here. Never modded before, but I have used java for many, many years. So, It reads like a storybook to me.


    Has anyone taken on the task of creating a deobfuscation database yet. I just do not believe mcpbot can even handle javadoc comments or argument name deobfuscation. I would sure love to contribute to it, as I have already gone through 2 net.minecraft.* sources and refactored local versions that I personally deobed. However, I can not do this in eclipse as the sources seem to be locked.


    I am considering creating an excel table for my own use, but I'd rather not if there is another alternative. A web database is a start. Then having a way of turning that into an automated tool to use in eclipse would be nice too.



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