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Everything posted by HassanS6000

  1. How would I do this for an item and an entity?
  2. Hi! I've searched everywhere for this, but to no avail. Can anybody tell me how to use the B3D Model Loader? Thanks in Advance!
  3. Could I convert a obj to B3D and use that using Forge directly?
  4. How would I go about doing this?
  5. Hello! Just a quick question. Is there any way to use models from other software besides Techne that have an output other than a JAVA Class? For example, to use .JSON or .DAE, etc? I'm specifically interested in using models from the Android app Qubism, which can be found on the Play Store here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jquinn.qubism.android&hl=en. Thanks in Advance!
  6. Thanks! It's working perfectly now!
  7. What I'm trying to do, is that on the press of a key, in this case, Z an overlay appears if you're holding an item. I know everything up until the rendering works. However, when it tries to render, my method for finding the xPos and yPos to start drawing my Rectangle gets screwed up, and goes into negatives, and even when it's not in negatives, it won't render. Here's my code for KeyInputHandler: http://pastebin.com/JNNVSnDu Here's what the numbers are coming up as: Scaled Width: 427 Scaled Height: 240 X-Pos 299 Y-Pos 112 And it doesn't render. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in Advance
  8. Alright, thanks for your help I would rather have the image just stop if I can't make it fit to the screen.
  9. Okay! I've got some things working but not completely! First off, I was wondering how I would scale the image so it always fits the full screen. Currently it's just set to the size of the image, and if the screen size is larger than the image, the image begins to repeat itself. Here's my code for Event Handler: http://pastebin.com/FxWwCmvh Here are my screenshots: http://snag.gy/NESzb.jpg http://snag.gy/pwiPC.jpg ALSO! When I try to check if the armor (Helmet) is equipped (currently the commented out code), the game crashes. Here's my crash report: http://pastebin.com/UDCu6pV3 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  10. Thanks! I've got stuff rendering now!
  11. @Ernio Can you be more specific? How would I go about doing that?
  12. What I want to do, is that when a player is wearing a helmet, a overlay is rendered similar to that of the Halo HUD. However, when trying to render anything, it throws errors which seem to be caused from when I bind the texture. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in Advance! My Armor Code: http://pastebin.com/AtMZ4wxb The Log: http://tny.cz/810eb7a4
  13. I changed it to registerModEntity, and it's rendering something. Much better than what I had before, but it's not rendering what I want it to. Thanks for the Help! Thx for the link to proxies.
  14. Currently I don't really care. However, I do care that my entities aren't rendering.
  15. I don't have a Client Proxy class, I've just been using a Main class is that a problem?
  16. What do you mean? I called worldIn.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityBullet(worldIn, playerIn)); in my gun class. And I called RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityBullet.class, new RenderBulletEntity(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager())); in my main class. Where would I call render()?
  17. Hello. My throwable entities aren't rendering and I don't know why. It seems like they aren't even trying to render. When I right click the item such as a rocket launcher, a default texture doesn't show up, nor does my texture. What am I doing wrong? My code: https://github.com/hsyyid/HaloMod Thanks in Advance!
  18. @TGG I changed it to follow what you said, AND IT WORKED! THX SO MUCH
  19. Tried your method larsgerrits, didn't work either. No error messages, I'm just getting the error texture but when placed the texture works. Just not in inventory.
  20. Still not working? My code is on GitHub: https://github.com/hsyyid/HaloMod/tree/master/forge-1.8- Is something wrong?
  21. Tried it, didn't work. Do I have to create another JSON File for an Item version of the block? and also create a texture for one?
  22. Hi! I'm modding in Forge 1.8 and I was wondering how I'm supposed to render blocks in the inventory. I've made it so they render when placed, but when I try to render in Inventory, it says that my block is an Item, and the method Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(YourItem, metadata, new ModelResourceLocation("modid:items_registered_name", "inventory")); is only for items. So how do I render a block, which is obviously NOT an item?
  23. How? The EnumHelper class has NOT been updated to Forge 1.8 yet, as far as I know, and I'm using the other method, which is using ISpecialArmor. Which in another post, you said is possible: So how would I go about initializing this armor material without EnumHelper as it hasn't been updated?
  24. I can't figure out how to initialize the ArmorMaterial. Though I understand that I have called the HaloArmor when it's value is obviously null, how do I initialize it? I've tried a couple ways, and search online but it doesn't work, but says I cannot instantiate the ItemArmor.ArmorMaterial. Any advice?
  25. My Main File: http://pastebin.com/77JKFfNU I still get the same problem? I'm not sure if I did what you said properly, as when you said "Put your armor Item instantiation inside the FMLPreInitializationEvent method, after you have instantiated your armor material." From what I know, you meant this: public static Item SpartanHelmet = new HaloArmor(HaloArmor, helmetID, 0).setUnlocalizedName("SpartanHelmet"); public static Item SpartanChestplate = new HaloArmor(HaloArmor, chestplateID, 1).setUnlocalizedName("SpartanChestplate"); public static Item SpartanLeggings = new HaloArmor(HaloArmor, leggingID, 2).setUnlocalizedName("SpartanLeggings"); public static Item SpartanBoots = new HaloArmor(HaloArmor, bootID, 3).setUnlocalizedName("SpartanBoots"); however by putting that in the PreInt Method, it caused numerous other errors, in my other classes, so I put it back. Can you explain in further detail what you meant?
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