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Binkan Salaryman

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Everything posted by Binkan Salaryman

  1. Even when naming it "Modstore", my intention was not to actually sell mods but present them ingame and make mods easier to use. I added the option with costs for completeness. If you're working on it I am definitly looking forward to it!!
  2. Use reflection to invoke the methods you need. A dirty solution, I know . . . Class villageClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.src.StructureVillagePieces.Village");
  3. Hey Minecrafters and Modders! Quite a time ago I thought of a built-in way of gathering mods, just like a "modstore". In my opinion this would boost the experience of using mods immense. Here the features I can think of beeing really cool: - Viewing a modlist by searching / filtering (this will need a central service which holds the mod.info + download links) - Downloading mods with one click ingame (silent variant) / beeing redirected to adf.ly which gives you some sort of key to proceed (free variant) / beeing redirected to a shop (premium variant, optional) - Activating, deactivating, deleting local mods - Defining mod packs (local, possibly online too) Yours sincerly Binkan Salaryman P.S.: See also: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,17153.0.html, http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,16687.0.html
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