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Everything posted by Hengar
over their is one trouble, a part of modders won't change one time. so i hope you see the problem, and if playes so many singleplayer by a multiplyergame, than why block that. my client works realy fine and with my java i have no crash
What programm you had used to install, and which way you isntalled? and not enough items are nicee think, but got partly the same like too many items. partly i can only say what i said ones, stop to install many mods in minecraft.jar. only deal modloader, modloadermp, audiomod, player api, forge and optifine inside of jar. Rest first look a installation over mod folder.
try a start without that pls.
i see i have to test 4096 too. in the evening i report my test. I don't know if their is a trouble.
thats not anymore realy a part of morge. That is a main problem of java and miencraft. by my self i hadn't one a invisible mob. And by my old pc it was a wonder that it could work together. Why i say that is by a friend the creeper for example was first headles after a few while the got tobe only feeds. So it's a main problem which have no luck of the basic useing. by myself i had isntalled on 1.2.3 version number 61. if you need their a load up i can help. only pm me when i can help their. @ omgi, that's lsiten a few bit meta-inf was forgotten. or a incompatible mod can it be also.
if th emodders deal it nice it is possible by 4096 fix. Thats a bridge mod, which expand the block it's not less:) In kind it's a second way like forge^^ But yeah that's why i had written my order to test it, than i belive their is at least one incoompatible mod, too. Because of this incompability i had changed my way to a non normal mod isntalling way.
you are allowed to make forge as second. their is no reason for other forced ways. take a check in fore if their is vx.class if not, backup your jar and forceupdate. than copie the vx in a working backup.
How you had installed the mods? Tipp make a single jar with only modlaoder, forge audiomod and turbomodel. No install as max modloader mp on client side, i saw you won't will paly the mod order on server, so you are allowed to make that. afterwards you have to installed your modson a other way like the most installing procresses discripe. you will take a look in your mods zips and will add in the folder mod, filees or zip which follows direktly fter open with mod_(name of the mod).class an example is their the isntallation of industrial craft 2. and after you ahd isntalled tke a check part for part which mods are works and which one makes trouble. Afterwards make a new report to here.
Normaly a re adding of forge is enough. In part it don't accept some transfers of data's, so that it believe forge hadn't got installed.
MinecraftApplet missd finaly clas datas. if you isnttall modloadermp too i belive it will work. dont worry about english, i have a bad one too
the last one what i could do is try my jar data, if it won't work too, one of the modder have to take a look. I hope it will work, i passed you the link via pm
than i don't know. i could only pass you my mainmodded jar.
I had tested craftguide and buildcraft shortly, and i don't get kicked out by writing gear for example. So i would say it's a mistake of one of these mods, because buildcraft or redpower works still fine with craftguide. Easy to test for me^^
Porblem is, at this moment it isn't a error msg is their anymore text or thats all of the log? This says only forge is started.
I don't care about diffrent launcher, but i had testes 3.1.5 at the moment self(to see what happens) and it will be a few crazy but by me it still works. I hadn't test the working, but i can enter my world and not error msg. so i think maybe it will be a launcher problem. Why you don't start offline, if you only use the singlepalyer version? i had passed all parts of buildcraft in the mods file. So i can not help realy, because by me it works
hm, so one point more to start writ by self, in c++
do tht, easyer to see where can be a other problem is to take the mod file^^, most one says throw them in jar, but it isn't needed the most time:)
Lex, that is my problem, for the mods i need modloader mp, and thats why it doesn't work anymore. because of making a incompability in server area sdk modloader and forge. thats the finaly problem, that now mod gets killed to work together.
Ok now, i for me it says that a main data got dmg. And their i can not help to fix it fine. But for theadmin it help to understand a bit minecraft better. Do you remember the order of installation? because of a little data the complete minecraft are able to crash. i think you need to remod it again. i had started to expand any mods in modfile , only which are changing mainclasses i passed in the jar. so in order modloader modloadermp forge turbomodel and audiomod. I hope it will works by you after remod your jar.
if you don't find the class, then is that finally the reeason for the error msg. I think you believe me, that two classes cannot communikate if one is missing or?( ones i had seperated sdk server to install only the grabbling hook on server, wasn't funny^^)
For me it looks that the source makes a communikation error beetween two classes. This will be because of Craftguid, you had wrote craftguid is for 1.2.3 So their will be the reason of communikation error. If Craftguid have a update install that, or miss the mod, because 1.2.5 isn't realy compatible with 1.2.5 or 1.2.4
<the error massage show that buildcraft is in the mods file, or in the jar. A few bit it's like a wrong modloader or a wrong buildcraft. At the moment i only see in your minecraftfile is buildcraft factory as zip or installed.
In my mind it look like a missed ChunkManager.class One look with a Archiv programm, if the class data is their would be nice.
So you want to say me, i not use the forge version on the server. Then you see wrong, because i don't like java but i am not blind to see, the complet missing of a basemodmp in your forge. This class is completly missed if i use the installation procedures. Only Siegecraft need a update , the rest finlay not use any kind of forge, so say me, whats wrong? The modder and i don't take care of a mistake, if forge get a change and maked modloadermp on server side incompatible. So pls tell me the mistake if only the server don't start, but the singleplayer works fine.....
I think it a msitake in unnderstanding, not only better enchanting is the trouble, i had tested, and i hadn't add it anymore because its only nicer enchanting, all linked mods are a problem for forge