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Everything posted by SteveKunG

  1. This video will explain the problem. My Render Entity
  2. Issue like the title. I just copy from Minecraft and fix entity spawn data. Fishing Rod Item https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/items/ItemSpaceFishingRod.java
  3. No clue about vanilla ocean. Very odd bug. -.-
  4. @Animefan8888 Could not find anything that used vanilla ocean biome in my classes. @TheSunCat Sorry for my bad English. Many people don't understand what my problem is. (This is my best English skill.) Also Galacticraft still develop in 1.8.9. (My mod is an add-on from Galacticraft)
  5. I found this problem when I compiled my mod and test it outside my dev environment. Not sure why this happened. Testing in my dev environment. My Infected Ocean biome generate correctly. Testing with Forge. Its replaced by vanilla ocean biome. And my git if you want to looking at the issue. Thank you. https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/tree/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/world/gen
  6. So Weird... The game doesn't crash in dev workspace. Thank you!
  7. WorldChunkManagerNibiru called from here. https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/dimension/WorldProviderNibiru.java#L153 And this. https://github.com/micdoodle8/Galacticraft/blob/master/src/main/java/micdoodle8/mods/galacticraft/api/prefab/world/gen/WorldProviderSpace.java#L280-L311
  8. Okay, I pushed my latest commit. https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/world/gen/WorldChunkManagerNibiru.java#L102 https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/world/gen/ChunkProviderNibiru.java#L101
  9. Not sure why its not happen in my dev workspace. Crash Report : My Source Code : https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/world/gen/WorldChunkManagerNibiru.java#L101 https://github.com/MCCommanderTH/MorePlanets/blob/master/1.8.9/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/module/planets/nibiru/world/gen/ChunkProviderNibiru.java#L102 Also This mod is an add-on from Galacticraft (1.8.9) if you want to check : https://github.com/micdoodle8/Galacticraft
  10. I have try to make my entity death animation like an ender dragon. But I getting render issues, item in the hand disappear, incorrect entity model rendered. Render Code : Barrier Layer : Beam Layer (copied from RenderDragon)
  11. Like this. Sorry for missing info.
  12. I want to make the shader rendered on entities like glowing effect. Any tutorial for this?
  13. Also I can't use my own packet if my mod isn't on the server. Only use in Realm Server. clientSideOnly = true There is the way to get player position in the server?
  14. Thank you! It work perfectly on the server. By the way I looking at GuiPlayerTabOverlay#renderPlayerlist how getPlayerInfoMap works. And PlayerPositionHandler only work on LAN world. I'm not sure why.
  15. My mod is in client side only. Because I only use in the realm server. Crash report What should I do? Write the packet and send it to the server?
  16. I have a problem when using /getplayerpos command in the server, it can't get all players name and make game crash.
  17. I've found this problem when I typing "afk" on chat without "/". What's wrong with it? My Command : Event Handler :
  18. OK. I have learn something about thread. And my FPS get stable. Thanks! Here is my simple thread code.
  19. When execute this command it make lag for a short. Not freeze the game.
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