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Everything posted by SteveKunG

  1. Hi. I have a problem. It can make infinite fluid like water in Minecraft?
  2. Thanks! It can placed properly. But World Generator still crash. -.- My code like this. Something its wrong?
  3. Put this? if (pos == null) { return false; } It still crashes.
  4. Can anyone help me. Please?
  5. I have no idea why it happened? I copied from original minecraft world gen code, and adapted a little bit. See my code. https://github.com/SteveKunG/More-Planets/tree/1.8/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets
  6. Yes. and I think should support with other mod.
  7. Thank I will changing my registry soon! For my custom sand I want to my sand can smelting to glass (vanilla) or use for crafting TNT.
  8. I tried to adding my custom sand to ore dictionary. But it doesn't work! My Recipe code : https://github.com/SteveKunG/More-Planets/blob/master/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/planets/venus/recipe/CraftingRecipesVenus.java#L98 My Core mod : https://github.com/SteveKunG/More-Planets/blob/master/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/core/MorePlanetsCore.java#L259
  9. I'm using latest forge 1.8 (Build 1468). I don't know why I setting block model parent to forge:fluid. It throwing message FileNotFoundException. Need help for this!
  10. Like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp_Jw-lzyRs
  11. Thank you. But I found something with OptiFine. Why It conflict? Here is my latest code.
  12. My problem is AI doesn't attack evolved mob. I don't know why? Please let's me know if I coding AI wrong.
  13. Hi. coolAlias Can I using file .txt instead of .json?
  14. Here this link: https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/blob/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe31_inventory_furnace/GuiHandlerMBE31.java The crash like as a first post.
  15. What? I try to return null that still throwing exception. I see MBE Code they return Container on server, client return Inventory. - -
  16. When I destroy my coconut leaves. I getting crash like this, need help! Block: Crash:
  17. Sorry for delayed. I'm return to null. That still throwing an exception.
  18. Hi. I saw this thread. In World.java on line 2430 Changing if (this.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() == Blocks.fire) >> if (this.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() instanceof net.minecraft.block.BlockFire) I think should be fix with another mod. And no conflict (Maybe. -.-)
  19. Hi, I'm wanna to making custom explosion like Nuke in Explosive+ Mod (1.4.5). How to make it? Copy Explosive.java or something. Please let's me know, Thank you.
  20. http://puu.sh/gWegW/6f037b35d5.png Nothing.
  21. Here is my code : Entity Item Render
  22. I'm copy from Boat model. What's wrong? I don't know sorry.
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