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Everything posted by SteveKunG

  1. My mod has added command for checking mojang status. But when execute the command it make lag spike in game. Command : Mojang Status Checker : Original code from : https://bukkit.org/threads/resource-check-if-a-mojang-server-is-online-offline.226634/
  2. I have register my client command, its work properly in Singleplayer but on the server it throwing an NullPointerException. My Command EventHandler My main problem is I can't get other player name in the server except myself.
  3. Hi again, I can't find getRespondTime method in 1.7.10. Do you know how to find that method?
  4. Thank you very much! Its working all servers except Hypixel. The indicator doesn't displayed, maybe Anti Laby Mod plugin?
  5. And I getting a problem, When I join server its crash the game. -.- Crash : Code : Something wrong??
  6. Hi, I want to make my own ping indicator mod. I don't know this is correct. Also how to get ping from Minecraft Realms Server. Thanks.
  7. Thank you very much!
  8. I try to fix it by myself. Using DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx1G" in the gradlew.bat and gradlew And I got this. I don't know why? I have already RAM 4G installed.
  9. This is my first time when I try contribute to forge. I follow this step : https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/wiki/If-you-want-to-contribute-to-Forge And I getting this error log. I don't know this is correct step? -.-
  10. I want to see the original source code. Something can help me.
  11. Can anyone help?
  12. This is a full log. I don't know why?
  13. It is java heap space or something?
  14. Oh! Thank you. I'm copy from BiomeDecorator.
  15. I'm working my mod on 1.8. And when entering this dimension it throwing an NPE. I don't why. https://github.com/SteveKunG/More-Planets/blob/1.8/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/common/world/biome/BiomeDecoratorMP.java#L38 https://github.com/SteveKunG/More-Planets/blob/1.8/src/main/java/stevekung/mods/moreplanets/planets/polongnius/world/gen/BiomeDecoratorPolongnius.java#L50
  16. Thank you very much. That's working! But it so laggy.
  17. I don't know why this happened. But when try to setup forge 1.8 it doesn't have issue.
  18. Sorry for late. I tried to reassign it still not working. Console said "Your Access Transformer be broke". AT needs to be upgraded?
  19. @Ernio I'm sorry for my bad English. Yeah, I think so. How possible?
  20. Hi, I getting a suggestion from my thread in Minecraft Forum. When creating a new world player will spawning at another dimension. How possible to do this? Because it is really cool idea.
  21. New Forge workspace it won't run Minecraft. And I have the second issue. I cannot build my mod with Access Transformer. Access Transformer system has changed?
  22. Something wrong? It not checking metadata 0.
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