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Everything posted by Speiger

  1. They wont help you the have theyer protocoll. when there stay modifiered jar than they stop reading. do it the old way. download forge client. put it with modloader in the jar. delete meta-inf and decompile it. that work. the forge installer is broken. and if they delete the comment i pm you.
  2. If i could test per day 8 ours i do not need to ask. but i can test maybe at the week 2/4 ours. the most goes to test the pickaxe thing here and installing forge which is at the moment a pain to install it. hope you help me. thank for reading this.
  3. Belive me or not. i downloaded a untouched jar from the www . i puted inside /mcp/bin. and started the forge installer. and ok sry cant read spioler with my mobil phone thats why i dont like them.
  4. thank you for the answer. but can you show me how i have to write it? like i did my second post. thanks.
  5. this make it to an ultimate fist: public boolean canHarvestBlock(Block par1Block) { return true; } how can i make it for only rock? Please answer...
  6. without modloader and a new jar of 1.2.5 and minecraft forge 3.3.7
  7. package net.minecraft.src; import net.minecraft.src.*; public class ItemTest extends Item { public ItemTest(int id) { super(id); setHasSubtypes(true); setMaxDamage(0); } private String[] names = new String[] {"name", "name1", "name2", "name3",}; public String getNameIS(ItemStack itemstack) { return names[itemstack.getItemDamage()]; } public float getStrVsBlock(ItemStack par1ItemStack, Block par2Block) { return 5.0F; } public boolean onBlockDestroyed(ItemStack par1ItemStack, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, EntityLiving par6EntityLiving) { par1ItemStack.damageItem(1, par6EntityLiving); return true; } @Override public int getIconFromDamage(int i) { if(i==0) { setMaxStackSize(64); return mod_test.item1; } if(i==1) { setMaxStackSize(1); return mod_test.item2; } if(i==2) { setMaxStackSize(1); return mod_test.item3; } if(i==3) { setMaxStackSize(1); return mod_test.item4; } else { setMaxDamage(10); setMaxStackSize(1); return mod_test.item5; } } } this is the code and the metadata item is like an shovel... now i need to tell it its an pickaxe... Lex it works.. like i want it! but now i need to tell it that it can breaks a rock.. how?
  8. Hey short question if something is possible. i say it bevor i write my question. if it is possible than please explain how it works. and if not say it please = end of the post. and thanks to read. here the question. is it possible to make if drops. not normal i mean crafting a bucket out of tin and the bucket breaks (how ever and drops something) it will drop tin. but if you make the same bucket out of iron it will when it break drop iron. here my idea how the code can look like ( public void itemCraftedwilldrop(par1item, par2itemresult par3drop) { if Item.bucketEmpty.shiftedIndex, UsedItem.tinIngot.shiftedIndex, drop.Item.tinIngot.shiftedIndex; Else Item.bucketEmpty.shiftedIndex, UsedItem.ironIngot.shiftedIndex, Drop.Item.ironIngot.shiftedIndex; } ) thanks for reading
  9. 3.3.8 is for 1.2.5 or why does it work on it? i don't like fml. i got to much problems with it. I update to 1.3 when it seem me stabel enough and i finished my mod. got lots of work. got a Darkmatter pick. with metadata items. only that it get damage is now but got help only tests are needet.
  10. i got modloader installed and i need it. thanks for the answer.
  11. what im doing wrong?
  12. How can i make my mod SMP? Just Items, with and without metadata, blocks, with and without metadata, and few tools and weapons and armor. not more. no GUI.
  13. Metadata can used as item damage and itemdamage can used as metadata more details and i use google translate.
  14. Sry was gonna sleep. i mean that metadata and tool uses (like axe) work together. Sry my english knowledge is not good enough to explain it with more detail. and if you understand something wrong sry.
  15. i do not like to asj. maybe try to add that metadata and uses do not strike them self out. mean make team work.
  16. Cool. (i mean that you solve it). thanks to release a little of your code you help me a lot with your enum tools material. i had no clue how to make it in a mod.
  17. Thanks. good to know that works automaticly. thanks.
  18. I have a question about 64x 64x textures for selfmade mods. does they need an extra code? or only make the textures and put it in the folder)
  19. I try to explain my mod. i played a lot of minecraft. and there was a few things i didn't like. first where is the technic. and the other why does the tools break so fast, and why after the same uses. an my mod (if i get him work) make it like this: tools do not break to 100% Only if both sides are full damaged. the uses are now better defined and have a realistic. slimeball , strings , reed(bambus) have new functions. to hold the tool at lvl stone. if you would not use them you would have 10% Of the uses but you get the parts back. at the momend planned at the diamodpick. you get a chance if the pick break less 1000 to get diamod dust (and to get the parts back too) that can be used for repair other diamond tool a little(at the moment i think how much) and i say it directly the idea comes from EE but not so oversized. thats why the name Dynamic Tools. things i forgot. normal tools are no longer to craft (i do not forgot rp2 an bc2/3) i hope i can make an api to rp2 and buildcraft but recipes are finish. thx.
  20. ok thanks for an answer. and is there a way to if i do an enum tool material tool... (limit of my language knowledge) to craft damaged tool i do not metadata. because that would help to. p.s. there must be a way to make this. there is always a way to solve every problem. but i think that what i want to make is a lot to high for me, but i do not give up.
  21. I think only one other way but i do not know if that work. make your own armor folder. and put ther your textures. if that do not work than i have no idea. i need help to.
  22. hmm let me search pleas a menutes. brb.
  23. Briggybros where is you public void load or your public mod_Yourmodname? there comes the names. and the register block and the recipes.
  24. Watch minecraft modding made easy. there he put the textures in the minecraft jar and it work.
  25. Armortextur must into the minecraftjar. in the armor folder.
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