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Everything posted by brandon3055

  1. im not sure how to change the light level most blocks i have seen such as lamps that can be turned on and off actually have two different blocks one for on and one for off.
  2. Just to clarify you dont create the tile in that method the tile needs to be its own separate class that extends TileEntity. In that class you simply have to return a new instance of your tile entity e.g. @Override public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1, int var2) { return new TileEntityCampfireLog(); } looking at your code it looks like you are missing a variable in your createNewTileEntity method. Whenever you override a method you should add the @Override annotation as shown in example above that will give an error if you do something wrong such as miss a variable.
  3. --version 1.7 --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker --username=ForgeDevName --accessToken FML --userProperties={}
  4. So i ran gradlew idea and that worked. I opened up the project and started the game without any trouble. I copied in my src folder set java and resources as sources. Then i had to remove some methods that no longer exist and i started the game. The game started just fine my mod loaded and the only problem i have is there is no sound.
  5. Interesting... After i read your last post i tried gradlew build and that worked just fine and it also seems to have fixed setupDecompWorkspace...
  6. I tried setting up a fresh project with the latest build but i couldnt even get setupDecompWorkspace to work... is that what you meant by "you can only test with gradle build and install into your game" you cant actually setup the workspace?
  7. Do you have CodeChickenCore installed? Edit: In case you are unsure you just drop the mods into the mods folder in your working directory.
  8. oops i just copied that from one of my classes
  9. oh i didnt know those existed.... im afraid i cant be of any help as i have never used that version. Edit: oh forge for 1.7.10-pre4 was only just released... well i will try updating to it and see how i go.
  10. im not sure where your getting your version numbers from... the latest forge build is
  11. As Alix said you already have methods to read and write your nbt data so just change what you have to package com.deb.debmodularships.tileentities; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager; import net.minecraft.network.Packet; import net.minecraft.network.play.server.S35PacketUpdateTileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; public class TileEntityController extends TileEntity { public float rotation; @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); nbt.setFloat("rotation", rotation); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); rotation = nbt.getFloat("rotation"); } @Override public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); writeToNBT(nbttagcompound); return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 1, nbttagcompound); } @Override public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity pkt) { readFromNBT(pkt.func_148857_g()); } } Edit: Fixed typo
  12. what exactly are you trying to do? move an existing project to intellij or create a new project? if you are moving an existing project to intellij download the latest forge src and and create a new blank project the same way as you will have done with ecplise except run gradlew idea instead of gradlew eclipse. now if you open the project with intellij it should work and the game should launch. to move an existing project in to the new project you just created copy the src file from your existing project into the one you just created and it should work. If the game loads but your mod dosnt show up go to File/Project structure navigate to your java and resources folders and make sure both are marked as "Sources"
  13. I log in with my username and password using the following arguments. --version 1.6 --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker --username <username> --password <password>
  14. Ok so i am seeing the same error in my console when i quit except it is followed by Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket' Just a guess but maby my IDE (Intellij) is detecting that the process didn't shut down properly and is terminating it. Edit: Oh it is happening to me you just have to actually load a world. Fortunately for me Intellij tracks each instants it launches separately so i can just shut it down from the console. Unless you need to save your world i recommend terminating the instance from your IDE and that should completely stop it.
  15. Thank you all for your replies you have been very helpful!
  16. Ok thanks i will start adding it from now on.
  17. Draconic Evolution is a mod i originally started working on for the TolkienCraft mod pack. Description: This is a mod that adds a lot of hight tier items such as tools and armor as well as some high tier energy storage and a lot of other random features such as: -Teleportation -mob farming (spawning+killing) -player detection -Time and Weather control And much more with new features being added with each update. You can find all available info for this mod at http://www.tolkiencraft.com/draconic-evolution This mod is now hosted on CurseForge I also have a public github repository for my mod: https://github.com/brandon3055/Draconic-Evolution
  18. Here is a custom particle i created. https://github.com/brandon3055/Draconic-Evolution/blob/master/src/main/java/com/brandon3055/draconicevolution/client/render/DistortionParticle.java I hope it helps. The particle rendering behind water is a vanilla bug that is fixed in later versions of minecraft.
  19. I have noticed in a lot of the mods i have looked at they seem to use this.field/method a lot e.g. public void markDirty () { buildTool(toolName); if (this.worldObj != null) { this.blockMetadata = this.worldObj.getBlockMetadata(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord); this.worldObj.markTileEntityChunkModified(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, this); } } (Example is from tconstruct) I understand how it works but is it actually necessary? I would like to know because i dont use it almost at all in my mod except in constructors.
  20. What IDE are you using? you need to make sure the resources folder is marked as "Sources" or it wont be loaded when you run your project.
  21. it would help if you could post your code.
  22. Hmm i was just considering updating to 1133 10 seconds before reading this post.... oh what the heck im updating to 1133 will let you know if i encounter anything problematic. Edit: My client has been running on 1133 for a few minutes now and i haven't noticed any increase in memory use.
  23. Thanks i tried that a few weeks ago but it just crashed on start up.
  24. The title says it all i want to know if there is a way to install compiled mods e.g. NEI in my dev environment. I have spent about an hour searching but i cant find any info on this topic.
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