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    I am owner of the ChaosCraft2 mod!

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  1. Okay thanks for your help
  2. I have now changed the build file to this: And now the game starts with Nei. But it has now no src code attached. How do I have to do that?
  3. I will continue tomorow with making it work. Becouse I have to go to school and it is late here
  4. These are the one's I'm using: compile 'net.chickenbones:CodeChickenCore:1.7.10-' compile 'net.chickenbones:NotEnoughItems:1.7.10-' They look a lot like the one of buildcraft.
  5. Maybe the 3 errors I have insite of eclips could be the problem. I have: Description Resource Path Location Type Project 'Minecraft' is missing required library: 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\ChaosCraft\MCP 2\unresolved dependency - net.chickenbones CodeChickenCore 1.7.10-' Minecraft Build path Build Path Problem Description Resource Path Location Type Project 'Minecraft' is missing required library: 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\ChaosCraft\MCP 2\unresolved dependency - net.chickenbones NotEnoughItems 1.7.10-' Minecraft Build path Build Path Problem Description Resource Path Location Type The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved Minecraft Unknown Java Problem
  6. Yes I have, but when I start the game then it only loads my own mod and not NEI for some reason.
  7. Now eclips see's them but how can I make eclips now run those mod's?
  8. The gradlew eclipse log: Could: The assetDir is deprecated! Use runDir instead! runDir set to eclipse/assets/..The assetDir is deprecated! Use runDir instead! runDir set to eclipse/assets/.. Be the source?
  9. I placed the Maven thing insite the build but it doesn't outmaticly build it into eclipse now. The build file: What could be the problem becouse I don't know?
  10. I have a problem with exporting my mod that contains a plugin for NEI, the plugin works insite eclipse but when I try to export it then gradlew doesn't know that I extendet the Buildpath. Here the eror code if you wan't: What could I do?
  11. http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1418/small/chaoscraftfrontpage_thumb.jpg[/img] A mod that adds skills into minecraft: Strength: You can train it with doing damage and it will make you do more damage how higher level you are! Constitution: You can train it by damaging yourelf and it will give you more HP how higher level you are! Fishing: You can fish up fishes that can be cooked and they heal HP! The mod adds some altars as well: InfusionAltar: You can craft stuff with! ChaosSpawner: You can spawn mobs with it and kill them at the same time! ChaosTable: You can autocraft stuff with (Known Bug: The table doesn't support returning items)! Mod download and more in the link below: http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/chaoscraft-2849881/ I hope you will enjoy my mod
  12. This would do it so mutch easyer to make it work! But if it doesn't work I will try other things
  13. Okay I have never used github before but I have the files I edited on github now. https://github.com/Zyldra/FMLUpdate/
  14. I have a problem with the way minecraft renders blocks! I need a way to give a block an texture from another block bassed on NBT. I find one, but that only works if forge does implement the codes below here. These add things. These change things, Look at >//Changed< for changes. I hope you can understand what it does
  15. Where can I find the >ISpecialBlockRenderHandler<?
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