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Everything posted by EnderPhlea

  1. Here is the link to the Github. https://github.com/EnderPhlea/FML-Client-Latest/tree/master
  2. Sorry, but how do I post a log if minecraft did not crash to the launcher? Thanks for the help.
  3. Please help- My Minecraft forge modpack has been randomly shutting down the world when I start it up ON SINGLEPLAYER. It crashes with a message like: Mrcrayfish.furniture.dishwasher cannot be cast to thermaldynamics.duct.blablabla (doing this from memory). so, I got rid of MrCrayfish Furniture mod. Then, it crashed with minecraft.block.BlockAir cannot be cast to thermaldynamics.duct.blablabla. So I got rid of ThermaL Dynamics. Now, it closes down the world when I start it, and DOESNT crash out of minecraft. I am thoroughly confused and desperate, please help.
  4. I ended up finding the source after digging around. It's in the Referenced Libraries under the first library. Hooray!
  5. Hello, I tried to set up forge gradle using BOTH gradlew setupDevWorkspace eclipse AND gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse, and both commands built successfully, according to command prompt. However, when I started eclipse, and opened src, there was a folder called main with nothing in it. Is this supposed to happen? I saw this in the command prompt: deobfbinjar SKIPPED. I am suspicious that that might mean something...
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