If you are making a GUI the question is what GUI are you making
the thing is I sometimes have trouble with making a GUI,
There are many tutorials on GUIs most of them on furnaces, and if you look at the source for MineCraft at the structure I think you will find what you need.
Hope this helps.
I am having difficulties even loading the example mod in IntelliJ here's a log if it helps.
Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g15gsfnsqoev1yd/fml-client-latest.log
Minecraft loads with only three mods and the example mod is not one of them its something to do with ASM Parser
I Suggest if you are making a Tinkers Construct Addon then look at the source code here: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/tree/master/src/main/java/
and look at how they do stuff like tool and guis and well everything.
hope this helps.
Hello i Was wondering how to render Items in 3d for my mod if possible an updated tutorial would be nice i have seen Ichun's video and can you please tell me what should be changed.
The mcmod.info file should go as diesieben07 said in the src/main/resources and if the contents of the mcmod.info file does not match your mod's modID it will not register as a your mod's mcmod.info file and will not load check the contents match and then try again.
I would like a machine that can generate the power (HF Generator and a Heat Fusion Collision Generator (Multi-Block structure))
As well as a way of storing it yes, i have something in mind