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    I am trying Minecraft Forge Modding

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. because I don't know what a wavefront model is I probably ain't using one.
  2. Hello, I am trying to make a custom modeled bock change direction when I place it, as well as make it shoot a laser I have no idea how to. Thanks.
  3. This look interesting a 'Watch Dogs' Mod Cool Hope it works out
  4. If you are making a GUI the question is what GUI are you making the thing is I sometimes have trouble with making a GUI, There are many tutorials on GUIs most of them on furnaces, and if you look at the source for MineCraft at the structure I think you will find what you need. Hope this helps.
  5. Hello, I was wandering how to change the direction of a custom rendered block (model) when you place it that is.
  6. how do you think i would go about doing that in itelliJ
  7. So I install Java JDK 7 rather than 8
  8. Hello, I am having difficulties even loading the example mod in IntelliJ here's a log if it helps. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g15gsfnsqoev1yd/fml-client-latest.log Minecraft loads with only three mods and the example mod is not one of them its something to do with ASM Parser
  9. I Suggest if you are making a Tinkers Construct Addon then look at the source code here: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/tree/master/src/main/java/ and look at how they do stuff like tool and guis and well everything. hope this helps.
  10. Hello i Was wondering how to render Items in 3d for my mod if possible an updated tutorial would be nice i have seen Ichun's video and can you please tell me what should be changed. Thanks,
  11. you need to change the 'name' parameter in the mcmod.info file to "Dark Souls".
  12. Hello, The mcmod.info file should go as diesieben07 said in the src/main/resources and if the contents of the mcmod.info file does not match your mod's modID it will not register as a your mod's mcmod.info file and will not load check the contents match and then try again.
  13. Thanks that's a great idea
  14. I would like a machine that can generate the power (HF Generator and a Heat Fusion Collision Generator (Multi-Block structure)) As well as a way of storing it yes, i have something in mind
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