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Everything posted by UnwiseDeadkilla

  1. Yeah thanks I got it. And I did a bit of research just didn't spend to much time thought it would be best if I ask I'm very new to coding and all this and I tend to understand better when someone kinda gives me a guideline? yeah I don't know but kinda explains in a way what I need to do. Thanks for your help!
  2. Ha, this is really ironic something similar just happened to me and I'm having to go back and recode it all.. It sucks but I guess it's for the best because I was really sloppy with all of my code and I'm going back and making it a lot better and even taking the time and making metadata blocks.
  3. I was curious how to turn my blocks into a block you could use with beacons like a iron block or gold block. Thanks for your help!
  4. Uh well I was wondering if someone could help me out I'm trying to make a new dimension (or a biome if I have too) and I'm still new to coding i've been doing it about a week or two and was wondering if anybody could post a link or give me the code for like a test one so I can edit it and make it my own. Please and Thanks - Unwise
  5. *Edit* I've seem to make everything work now thanks for the help! The code I've seemed to smash together is below.. public Item getItemDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3){ return Items.dye; } public int damageDropped(int p_149692_1_) { return 4; }
  6. Sorry I'm quite new to modding and I've been looking every where and came up empty but I was wondering if anybody could help me.. I've made a new Lapis Ore and I'm trying to figure out how to make it drop lapis and I can't quite figure that out.. Thanks for the help in advance!
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