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Noppes last won the day on May 15 2018

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  1. Yes you can with the day/night functions in the Advanced menu. If you need more detailed help join my discord https://discord.gg/0qZ6X3cHl8Pupttr Well this is my sub forum, unless one of the moderators moved his topic here, he is in the right place
  2. That should have been fixed in the latest 1.12 version. Download it from curse or my website
  3. Uploaded a new version, Should fix it
  4. Nah you are right, looks like a mistake on my side
  5. Join the Scripting discord https://discord.gg/2jZm88M
  6. Works fine
  7. Go into the CustomNpcs.cfg and set DisableEnchants to true
  8. With the day/night options
  9. with the availability options when you make the dialog. set it to be only available before having read its own id
  10. The hitbox of the chair was wrong.
  11. They should unstuck themselves after a few seconds
  12. version? crashlog?
  13. the command would be /noppes clone spawn josh 1 -1079,67,214
  14. You should be able to set its walkingspeed to 0
  15. Single player?
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