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Everything posted by pickaxe_engineer
Hi May the luck was not on your side, but within two seconds of googling I found this: http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Main_Page Happy coding Sincerely -pick
Hi The mentioned youtuber I found after a quick google search is from germany and thus his tutorials are in german, but feel free to check him out: https://www.youtube.com/user/HyCraftLP Furthermore I suggest to investigate the vanilla code, it is pretty straight forward what to do. Sincerely -pick
Hi How did you *install* the mod? And which version (forge, enderio) are you using? Sincerely -pick
How to check if a certain block is at the side of a block?
pickaxe_engineer replied to MikeZ's topic in Modder Support
Hi Something like this: //in the checking method foreach ForgeDirection do Block toTest = worldObj.getBlock(xPos,yPos,zPos) if toTest meets requirements do //do your stuff endif endforeach This checking method is part of your tileentity and should called whenever the test has to happen. I'm not entirely sure anymore how 1.7.10 code looks, but the idea should be clear. You may also only want ForgeDirections on the horizontal axis... Sincerely -pick -
Hey guys I just wondered how people do their mod-specific logging? I personally am currently working with somewhat a pseudo logger, which logs on the log4j logger, using event.getModLogger() upon preInitialization. Pseudo Logger in terms of I can decide whether to log debug messages and info mesages or just info messages. I think it is not very efficient to implement a custom logging system upon log4j's system. So my question to you guys is, how are you logging and if you are using log4j's system directly, how do you configure it? I'd like to start of a discussion and I'm not entirely sure, wheter this board is the right place, so @Moderators: feel free to move this to a better location. Sincerely -pick
How to check if a certain block is at the side of a block?
pickaxe_engineer replied to MikeZ's topic in Modder Support
Hi This *cannot* work since the coordinates are primitive types in java, which are always passed by value. So, what you would like to do is in your 'checkStuff' method, use the coordinates to get the block at the offset of the four compass directions of ForgeDirection. In other wors: Get the coordinates in your tileentity (they are inerhited from TileEntity, so they are present), then loop over the appropriate ForgeDirections and get the block over the tileentity's worldObj. Hope this helped you. Sincerely -pick -
[1.9] BlockVariants texture not rendered
pickaxe_engineer replied to pickaxe_engineer's topic in Modder Support
Thank you for this informative reply. It was really due to the wrong model. Further I really appreciate your git repo, I personally learn the forge / mc mechaniques best by reading code, so thumbs up for your work there. Sincerely -pick -
[1.9] BlockVariants texture not rendered
pickaxe_engineer replied to pickaxe_engineer's topic in Modder Support
Thank you for this informative reply. It was really due to the wrong model. Further I really appreciate your git repo, I personally learn the forge / mc mechaniques best by reading code, so thumbs up for your work there. Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] Custom Ore Drop Problems
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Ehm, no. Agreed with everything else you said, but this is not true. Yeah, I was more in the 'teach java' mode than I should have been in the context of minecraft and forge. I was thinking about the comparison of general objects, the obj == oObj operator, as you probably know, checks whether the obj and oObj are actually the *same* object, pointing to the same memory part. While .equals() (if properly overwritten) checks if the objects do have the same properties. My apologies for this. Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] Custom Ore Drop Problems
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Ehm, no. Agreed with everything else you said, but this is not true. Yeah, I was more in the 'teach java' mode than I should have been in the context of minecraft and forge. I was thinking about the comparison of general objects, the obj == oObj operator, as you probably know, checks whether the obj and oObj are actually the *same* object, pointing to the same memory part. While .equals() (if properly overwritten) checks if the objects do have the same properties. My apologies for this. Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] While Holding Item Get Potion Effect?
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Hi Did you really just copy the code? If you would have posted your code, we could better see why it's not working. I for my self had 3 minutes after reading this post an item giving any potion effect upon beeing held in the offhand for mc 1.9 Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] While Holding Item Get Potion Effect?
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Hi Did you really just copy the code? If you would have posted your code, we could better see why it's not working. I for my self had 3 minutes after reading this post an item giving any potion effect upon beeing held in the offhand for mc 1.9 Sincerely -pick -
[1.9] BlockVariants texture not rendered
pickaxe_engineer replied to pickaxe_engineer's topic in Modder Support
Dear all I recently started to update from 1.7.10 to 1.9 (Forge: and I am experiencing a really hard time with my old setup of a meta data based block. The setup was really simple: Having a general colored Block (meta data based) class, an enum for the minecraft colors and its ItemBlock so that I only had to specify its name and general block properties (hardness etc) for further colored blocks. Following vanilla minecraft code, MinecraftByExample and the Forge BlockState documentation I've created the following block class (which contains the enum): And the corresponding ItemBlockMetaData class: And this blockstates json The issue that occurrs is, the block's texture (in world and as itemblocks) are not rendered, resulting in the beloved missingtexture texture. Additional confusion is created by the fact, that absolutely no exceptions are thrown, nor any form of warning. This is confirmed as far that if I would remove one of the mentioned textures, I receive the error, that said texture is not there. Furthermore, via F3-debug I can confirm that the correct block was placed (having an orange one, results in an orange one). Listing them all in the creative tab works fine as well. I guess that I've somehow missed a point in the forge block state json, which would be obvious for an experienced forge coder. Thank you in advance for replying! Sincerely -pick -
Dear all I recently started to update from 1.7.10 to 1.9 (Forge: and I am experiencing a really hard time with my old setup of a meta data based block. The setup was really simple: Having a general colored Block (meta data based) class, an enum for the minecraft colors and its ItemBlock so that I only had to specify its name and general block properties (hardness etc) for further colored blocks. Following vanilla minecraft code, MinecraftByExample and the Forge BlockState documentation I've created the following block class (which contains the enum): And the corresponding ItemBlockMetaData class: And this blockstates json The issue that occurrs is, the block's texture (in world and as itemblocks) are not rendered, resulting in the beloved missingtexture texture. Additional confusion is created by the fact, that absolutely no exceptions are thrown, nor any form of warning. This is confirmed as far that if I would remove one of the mentioned textures, I receive the error, that said texture is not there. Furthermore, via F3-debug I can confirm that the correct block was placed (having an orange one, results in an orange one). Listing them all in the creative tab works fine as well. I guess that I've somehow missed a point in the forge block state json, which would be obvious for an experienced forge coder. Thank you in advance for replying! Sincerely -pick
Yes I am. The quote brought it perfectly to the point but it seems like you missed it. Sincerely -pick
Yes I am. The quote brought it perfectly to the point but it seems like you missed it. Sincerely -pick
[1.9][Closed] EntityAnimal child constructing
pickaxe_engineer replied to pickaxe_engineer's topic in Modder Support
Thank you that was helpful indeed. Sincerely -pick -
[1.9][Closed] EntityAnimal child constructing
pickaxe_engineer replied to pickaxe_engineer's topic in Modder Support
Thank you that was helpful indeed. Sincerely -pick -
Did you get what the texture represents? There are at least two vanilla minecraft blocks which use the described technique. Think about it again...
Did you get what the texture represents? There are at least two vanilla minecraft blocks which use the described technique. Think about it again...
[1.8.9] Custom Ore Drop Problems
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
The 'soft of' is related to the above mentioned questions. If it works fine for you, let it as it is. Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] Emerald Ore World Generation
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
I do not know the exact location, but WorldGenMineable is part of the world.gen.feature package. You could create your own WorldGenMineable and then check within the generate method which biome you're currently in Sincerely -pick -
[1.8.9] Custom Ore Drop Problems
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Sort of... First of all, you should avoid calling obj == other except for null comparison. And second, what is the intention of the most outer if-statement? -
[1.8.9] Custom Ore Drop Problems
pickaxe_engineer replied to Monstrous_Apple's topic in Modder Support
Well, you *actually* call nothing. You should return the random amount of XP you want to get dropped. Sincerely -pick