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Everything posted by RafaMv
Where to start with multi_noise biome source tweak [1.16.4]
RafaMv replied to TheSauceShaman's topic in Modder Support
Hello, I've started learning world gen recently, so my answer may not be very accurate. Try looking into BiomeProvider.class. There is a static block at the end where vanilla registers those BiomeProviders (vanilla_layered, multi_noise...). Maybe (and again, I have no clue if this is correct), you can create a new BiomeProvider based on that multi_noise one (NetherBiomeProvider) and then register it by using a RegistryEvent.Register<Biome>. -
Hello everyone, So, I'm question is about porting to 1.15.2. I would like to render an itemstack that is inside a tileentity. I'm using a TileEntityRenderer where I'm getting the ItemRenderer class from Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer() and calling renderItem(), but the second parameter is a TransformType which is deprecated. What should I use instead? Currently, I'm setting it to TransformType.NONE. Any help is appreciated
I see... for some reason my forge Fluid class is different from those, it doesn't have the ResourceLocation. What version are you using? Edit: I was using the recommended version I changed to version and it worked beautifully! Thanks Choonster!
Hello guys, so I have never done a fluid before, but I think I got it right, except the rendering. I have the fluid block (BlockFluidClassic), I can place it and it can normally flow; However, it is invisible (with default RenderType = -1) or untextured blocks (with RenderType = 3). Does anyone know how to properly register a fluid in 1.8?
[1.8] Ignoring a IProperty when registering a block
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
That helped, thanks coolAlias! -
Hello guys, so I'm working on a block that needs some IProperties; however I would like to ignore them in the block registering so I don't have to create tons of blockstate variants. Does anyone know how to do it?
[1.8] WorldGen: replacing blocks with certain meta
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
The "Predicates.equalTo(<yourIBlockState>)" works! I didn't know how the Predicate works; I was using the "BlockHelper.forBlock(Block)". Thanks diesieben07. -
Hello guys, do you know how can I do a pushable entity? I tried using the code from EntityBoat and EntityMinecart; however, I always get a annoying effect: when the entity collides, it will sometimes go to the top of the other entity bounding box. I also noted that this happened with other mods as well. So, what is causing it? Anyway, here is the current code that I'm using. PS: What I really want is something similar to when you try to push a wolf that is sitting.
[1.7.10]Entity randomly stuck running in circles
RafaMv replied to theOriginalByte's topic in Modder Support
Your entity has a very high movement speed, try reducing a little bit. I would suggest about 0.3D - 0.35D "getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.movementSpeed).setBaseValue(0.6D);" -
Hello guys, I tried to generate my own block by replacing granite (Blocks.stone.getStateFromMeta(1)); however, I don't know how to do it properly... the worldGen just replace all stone types (stone, granite, diorite, and andesite). Do you guys know how to replace a specific IBlockState?
[1.8] Storing nbt tag compound in block by using its tile entity
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
Thanks, that makes sense and I would not notice that, haha. Well, now it's working right. I was using debug, so I've closed mc and tried again. Weird -
[1.8] Storing nbt tag compound in block by using its tile entity
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
Nice. But I still have a problem. When I destroy the tile entity in survival, it is not completely destroyed, I can still collide with it, and when I right click it, the block returns. Am I doing something wrong? -
[1.8] Storing nbt tag compound in block by using its tile entity
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
In order to get the tile entity (!= null), I'm using the breakBlock(), instead of dropBlockAsItemWithChance(), or harvestBlock(), both return a null tile entity. So, I'm setting the tag in an itemstack and spawning it before the super.breakBlock(). When I do this, it will spawn an extra block, so I need to override the getItemDropped() to null. However, when I do that, it will always drop an item, even in creative. -
[1.8] Storing nbt tag compound in block by using its tile entity
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
Well, currently I'm using that, but the player can still get the block when it is broke in creative. How can I check if it is creative or not? I mean, is there any problem by using !Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.capabilities.isCreativeMode in the breakBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) method? -
[1.8] Gui is missing texture after the build is created
RafaMv replied to RafaMv's topic in Modder Support
Well, I found my error. The name of the gui was the same, but I started the path with "/textures" and it should have been only "texture". Ops... D: -
[1.7.10] [SOLVED] Problem with custom rendered Blocks
RafaMv replied to Pythonschlange's topic in Modder Support
It should be in the commonProxy along with the block registry (GameRegistry.registerBlock()), I think. -
[1.7.10] [SOLVED] Problem with custom rendered Blocks
RafaMv replied to Pythonschlange's topic in Modder Support
Have you registered your tile entity? (GameRegistry.registerTileEntity()) Your crash report has a "java.lang.RuntimeException: class tileEntitys.TileEntityFullyBrockenBedrock is missing a mapping! This is a bug!" -
Hello guys, I have tried to create a build of my mod (1., but the textures from the guiContainer is not being showed. They work normally when using eclipse. The textures are located in modid/textures/gui/texture_name.png and I'm using new ResourceLocation(modid, "/textures/gui/texture_name.png"); to access it. Do you guys have any suggestion of what is causing this?
Hello guys, I don't know to much about worldgen, but I believe that MC works using perlin noise. Knowing that, how can I get the value that MC used to create the world. I mean a value from 0-1 that was translated into biomes, for instance. Thanks in advance!
Hello guys, I'm having some issues about creating a metadata block in 1.8. The items textures don't load, although the blocks themselves have the right textures. I've done a simple block alerady and it works fine; is there any difference between item rendering of a simple block and a metadata block?
Right, I got the idea. I just have a question: how would I change the position of the slots? Changing a field in the container class, maybe?
Hello guys, recently I was trying to create a GUI that has 3 different containers. The GuiContainer class wound have 3 different tileentities, which are get from the surroundings, and their respective containers. So, I would like to change the containers using buttons. The reason I don't want to create multiple tileentities is that some items have to be in another tileentity. I tried something like to change the pages/containers (without success, if I save the currentGuiID/page for the next openGUI. I also noticed that the itens are only client side [not sure if that is right, propably not]): Basically, I would like to do something similar to the creativeTabs, where the player can dynamically change the pages and containers easily.
I know that, but I cannot figure out how to get the model from the item to render it.
Hey guys, does someone know how to change the scale of a normal/generic item. I don't want to add a new model to the item, just make it smaller. I know it has something to do with MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer() and my renderItem class, but I don't know how to get the model from the item. Thank you in advance!