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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Failender

  1. Output is 20. Although it doenst matters if I use a float or an integer there, but since mc is using floats i wanted to do the same.
  2. 1. Show line 149 2. PLEASE start using spoiler tags [nobbc] [/nobbc]
  3. public ExtendedPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { hitpoints = 20f; this.player =player; skillPointsLeft = 1; }
  4. Hello everyone, I am triing to change the player health when he is joining the world. The problem is that it seems to kill the player when he is joining the world. Is there a better way to set his health? Is there a better event to call this? @SubscribeEvent public void joining(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { if(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.entity; ExtendedPlayer ext = ExtendedPlayer.get(player); ext.joinWorld(); } } public void joinWorld() { player.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.maxHealth).setBaseValue(hitpoints); }
  5. Events are ONLY for things that are out of your control (vanilla) dont use Them for your own Blocks, there are Methods to overwrite to control The behaviour
  6. Try to check it out urself. Add a syso for The yaw look north and trigger The syso.
  7. maybe split things up. one command for strutures, one for themes one for plans
  8. what do you wanna do with the commands.
  9. Depends on the case. Normally I would say this is a case to think about SRP http://www.oodesign.com/single-responsibility-principle.html
  10. one command should be for one thing.
  11. is Main.CasteWall initialized?
  12. how are you destroying your TE? Maybe you can call a method on your te on server side just before destroying it?
  13. 1. 1.8 guis are basically The same as 1.7 2. you will encounter The Problem that there is not just one recipe for each item
  14. Hint of The day :learn Java. Google The error and you should find around 3k answers
  15. Wrong forum. This forum is for modder support, not for player playing the game. (ur java is outdated)
  16. I want to create a lot of guis to follow a specific structure, so I thought I should work with modular rendering. No problem with most of it, just one question. GuiButtons and GuiLabels have the two lines GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(770, 771, 1, 0); GlStateManager.blendFunc(770, 771); what are they doing?
  17. eeeehm yeah sorry I got those moments where my brain turns out :'D
  18. Vanilla mobs use harvest drops event, for custom mods Theres a method that you should Override which determines The drops (check your IDE)
  19. Create a New project for every mod. If you want to have a multiproject workspace import The other mod project via eclipse
  20. you could also do the trick by adding a nullcheck for mercenarymod.items.armasdefuego.balas.bala76239mm_entity.func_70071_h
  21. would u mind to tell us ur error? EDIT: You should be switiching by the id given in the GuiHandler, its better style :b
  22. Dont use unlocalized names for item registry
  23. which means that it should not be a problem, you just need to do some rendering on your own
  24. show your crash and code please
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