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Everything posted by Zedicus

  1. Would you happen to be running a "vanilla/forge" server or a "bukkit/forge" server?
  2. If you're running it out of eclipse are you putting the .png's in the minecraft.jar in the "bin" folder located in the "jars" folder in your MCP area? And have you made sure you've got the directories exactly right? So you'd have a "Hayhay" folder inside the .jar and inside that a "mod" folder and finally the items.png in there? I know you said it, but are you 100% positive? Also, what scenario are you running it under? re-obfuscating it and putting it in the mods folder of your minecraft client? Just hitting the run button on eclipse?
  3. You can say that again. Though if you'd like to learn about ASM there's some reasonably helpful resources - http://asm.ow2.org/doc/developer-guide.html - and - http://download.forge.objectweb.org/asm/asm4-guide.pdf (The official ASM users guide) - I've been reading up on it, one method for getting your mind around it seems to be make two versions of the class, in this case the modded and the vanilla class and run them through the eclipse plugin "ASMifier" (Link - http://asm.ow2.org/eclipse/index.html) and that'll let you compare the raw bytecode differences, which should bring you one step closer to understanding how to do it, or at least what you'll have to change, Toodle-oo
  4. Ah, thanks, I'd probably class myself as a "below average" modded, mainly during to my lack of experience with forge, but it can't hurt to learn about ASM, reading through a PDF on ASM "4", you never know, I may actually learn something. Though I shall work on the non-"core" sections of my mod first. Thanks again.
  5. Would this be referencing the ASM "Core API" as apposed to the "Tree API"? Or is that just a coincidence? Thanks for the information, by the way.
  6. Now that I'm in a better mind set, to the point were I can write a coherent sentence I'll rephrase my question - Does Forge have the capabilities to call GUI-B (modded GUI) instead of GUI-A (In this case the vanilla inventory GUI) in the form of a direct change , or at least some form "indirect" workaround, I can think of one idea, intercepting, canceling, calling GUI-B. - Thanks.
  7. Just to avoid confusion, mainly my own, by "core mod" I'd assume you mean edit the base classes? Either that or I'm missing something. EDIT: A short tale of my "Modding history", basically I've made a few bukkit plugins for my "home server (what with me being a dev there.)" so I'm used to feeling slight... restricted shall we say with what I can actually do, hence me asking if this would be possible without overwritting any classes because a) It'd be awesome if I can make it compatible with most other forge mods and b) its got "SMP" support, so if it ever works the server/other servers could use it and I'm not sure how easy that'd be if I go around editing base classes and c) well... I've yet to get this far, it's currently 3 in the morning.
  8. I would happily kiss Forge's boots should that be possible.
  9. Hey, just a fairly quick question; does forge have the capacity to edit the vanilla GUIs? If I could give one example it would be like hack/mine, in which you can change the "inventory bar" to one showing abilities/spells. Hopefully without making it incompatible with everything under the sun via the editing of base MC classes. Another idea of mine being adding more articles of clothing and making a more WoW equipment system, which would require a fairly large vanilla GUI overhaul. Thanks for any all and information! EDIT: A thought came to mind, how many other mods would actually edit those classes? The aether mod's the only other one I know to edit the inventory GUI at least. Also would there happen to be any hooks into the combat system? a k.a. attacking events, if you've ever played "Morrowind" I'm hoping to recreate that slashing/stabbing combat style. Thanks again.
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