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Everything posted by TheAwesomeGem

  1. Is it possible to create a custom smelting recipe that allows me to use NBT data for the input?
  2. Should I do this to get the integer ID of a biome? Biome.REGISTRY.getIDForObject(Biomes.OCEAN);
  3. Is it efficient to loop through the biome ids byte array to see if it matches a certain biome id? Can other mods ever change the default vanilla biome ids?
  4. I see there is a function called getBiomeArray but I don't know how to use it to loop through all the biomes of the chunk. Thanks!
  5. Is it the time since the world was created? So if it's day 0 and I just create the world, it should be 0. However as time passes, that number gets added and doesn't reset after an extended period of time right?
  6. I don't want a ticker that ticks all the loaded chunks. That doesn't sound all that performance friendly. I already have capabilities attached to each of my chunk but I don't want to tick each chunk just to keep track of time.
  7. That's not too persistent though. Then I would have to have a ticker for each objects that keeps track of time. Is there any variable that gives me this info? int worldTime = world.getTime(); // This variable needs to give me the absolute time since the world has been created. then I could use that time and check for time elapsed. However I am not finding such variable that keeps an absolute time since the world was created.
  8. Basically I have a function that needs to be executed every 5 or 6 Minecraft days. What can I use to keep track of long time?
  9. Would it be possible to ever have a warning in the console when you try to reach over different threads between client and server? That would help for people that are unsure that they are reaching sides.
  10. Hey I followed your tutorial and learned a lot about GUI drawing and containers. However one part that I don't get is the size and positioning. Are they absolute values in pixels or relative? Also how do I support my UI in different resolution and Gui Size(like Small, Normal or Large)?
  11. I want to use the Capability system to interface all of my different data like ItemHandler, CustomDataHandler, FluidHandler, EnergyHandler etc. How would I go about adding more than 1 capability per TileEntity?
  12. So If I were to make a TileEntity based GUI, my only option is a Container right? Since that has information from both server and client(server gives info to client to open the UI and client and talk back to the server when the container changes). Or is there anything else I am missing?
  13. How about this? if(worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().equals(Blocks.LOG) || worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getBlock().equals(Blocks.LOG2)) I would personally just use Ore Dictionary to support even modded logs but that should work for all vanilla logs.
  14. Is there any guide/tutorial on how the GUI/UI works in Minecraft and Forge? I know you use Containers if you want Inventory, otherwise draw the UI with OpenGL stuff. Is OpenGL the best way to draw GUI/UI? Also how does the positioning works? Is it relative or absolute? Thank you.
  15. Wow that's actually pretty cool and very handy to modify aspects of other mod without an API. Thanks a lot!
  16. So what exactly is a domain holder? Does it just hold the resourcelocation?
  17. Which means if I were to have a public static final Item ItemName from another mod, whenever that mod loads, my variable will get injected it's data?
  18. On the official doc, I see that @ObjectHolder injects values and that if the class has that annotation, all the public static final members do as well. But what does it mean? What if I have a "public static final Block test_block" variable. What will forge inject into it? Will it auto register that block?
  19. Is it okay to do the lookup after the whole initialization phase. For example on events such as when player interacts with a block, it will loop through all the recipes to see the matching output?
  20. Including support for mods that even tweaks recipes like MineTweaker. How would I retrieve a recipe that is also been modified by MineTweaker/CraftTweaker?
  21. It seems like I need to do it on my own way since Forge/MC doesn't have any support for those kind of structures. Thanks anyway!
  22. I am trying to load structures that are bigger than a chunk(like a fort/castle) however I am struggling to find the method to do that. Inside the structure I will have points that are randomized(for example, it may contain traps or not based on RNG) however the structure itself(fort/castle) is generated the same way on the land. The size of the structure is like 128x64x64. Any help/documentation is really helpful.
  23. Is this method also supported in 1.10.2? If so, can I still have some randomization in structures?
  24. There is a method called .isFinished but putting it on the update loop doesn't make much sense as it doesn't signify if they can't calculate the path or not or if it's being blocked by an obstacle.
  25. I need to check if an entity's path is either being blocked by a block or they can't reach it due to air?
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