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Forge Modder
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Ghostrec35's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. What exactly do you want to do with this NBT data?
  2. I recommend you look at the ItemBucket class
  3. If you want to have your mod load after EVERY other mod, there is an attribute in the @Mod annotation called dependencies. Simply set the attribute equal to the String "afterAll", or specify the mod via "after:Mod".
  4. Did you do TileEntity.addMapping(tileEntityClass, StringId); Or you can use GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(tileEntityClass, StringID); (GameRegistry just uses this TileEntity method anyway, so it doesn't really matter which you use. This caused my tile entity to disappear until I actually mapped it.)
  5. You have an extra set of Brackets after your load method which you should remove as well. Plus, you shouldn't be using the ModLoader methods you are.
  6. You could try this in your Blocks onEntityCollidedWithBlock(); method
  7. Improper use of the Configuration File Properties caused the ID of one of my blocks to be invalid. This invalid Block ID caused issues with the Rendering and World Generation in Minecraft.
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