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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. In my attempt to make a mod for configuring the CraftingManager's recipe list from the convenience of a configuration file, I've repeatedly worked around less than ideal circumstances. However, I find myself stuck on an especially cantankerous problem. Parsing data from the Configuration file to fill a recipe list is trivial compared to putting information there representing the initial state. Attempts at crawling through the recipe list, with the intent to build a string encoding the recipe instance's field values in a way that allows me to construct them, is hacky, but worse I have been unable to make it work. If one could magically get the argument values for the constructors, that would be perfect. In lieu of that ideal scenario, I figured getting the field values from instances would make a fine alternative, given that most of the IRecipe-implementing classes plop their constructor arguments into their field members. Ugly, but doable; even the OreRecipes comply. Fields can't be relied upon to be public, constructors aren't magic, so I'm left with reflection. And here, I plant my face into a wall. Making a class field crawler both generic and useful has worn on my patience. I seek suggestions on how I might solve the problem; perhaps I've overlooked a more elegant solution, or maybe someone can elucidate on how I might crawl the class fields. If not, I'll be forced to resort to a less savory approach like not dumping the initial recipe list to the configuration file.
  2. According to the DivineRPG topic on MinecraftForums, your Forge version may be outdated; you may be using, and the topic advises, among other things, to use Forge Also, don't post heresay; link to where the mod's staff claims its a Forge issue so folks here can evaluate the content of those claims. Otherwise, it's a useless thing to say.
  3. Grab them from the mirror.
  4. The directions said minecraft_server.jar specifically. Congrats on following the directions.
  5. Provide a detailed, step-by-step account of how you are attempting to install Forge Universal to your server.
  6. Provide more useful information. Such as error logs.
  7. The introduction of array Properties to Configuration made coding settings more convenient, except when it isn't. As of Forge, Configuration.load has trouble reading Property array values that include special characters: "=" causes array values to be reformatted as new single value properties on subsequent load-saves; the char cases on lines 519-599 cause various errors as it attempts to read them as though the array values are individual properties; other special characters throw RuntimeExceptions. All this amounts to making it difficult to write even simple expressions to string array properties, like "stone = 1" or "ShapedRecipes @ net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes". Will this be addressed soon or has it been addressed in a recent build?
  8. That is not how Forge or Forge-dependent mods are installed. Manually shoveling files into a .jar is barbaric. Try following the Forge Universal installation instructions instead. (I'd link to the wiki, but that thing is a mess.) "Place the universal zip into the same folder where your minecraft_server.jar is, then change the extension of the forge zip to a .jar. Run it."
  9. "No apparent reason" is not apt. Looks like MCPatcher is to blame; it's supposed to be interoperable with ModLoader mods, but I see no mention of it being compatible with Forge/FML. EDIT: Should probably read this before posting. Especially the bit where it says "Do not use MCPatcher."
  10. As noted in the 6.5.0 release announcement, common packages have been moved to the client project. This is not an error.
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