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Everything posted by Enginecrafter

  1. I am creating a block with inventory. It is nearly complete, but there is little bug. When I shift-click on item to move it to block's inventory it moves fine, but when I move it from block's inventory to my(Player's) invenotry, it duplicates. Here is my code:
  2. This problem looks solved, but I didn't say I have another problem with shift-click moving items. When I use it, the item moves (from my invenotry to block tileEntity) fine, but when moving item from block to inventory, it duplicateds. Fo example: I have single stone in inventory. I move it to my block's inventory. The inventory displays single stone inside it's (single) slot. I move the stone back to my inventory using shift-click and then, I have two stones in my inventory. <End of example> I guess it is duplicating, because it is called on each side(client and server) But where I must insert if(!world.isRemote)? Sorry, when I am annoying, but I REALLY need help with this. This is my last step to create complex Inventory.
  3. I tried two things: player#openGUI(MainRegistry.instance, 0, world, x, y, z); and player#openGUI(MainRegistry.instance, 4, world, x, y, z); 4 because this is my fourth GUI, but first GUI that I open using this. Here is the crash report:
  4. But, what ID must I enter to ModGuiID? I don't know it's ID. How can I get it? When I entered 0 and opened this GUI (in-game) it crashes minecraft.
  5. I made my GUI handler, but the problem still happens. Here si it.
  6. I open GUI this way: Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGUIScreen(MyGuiInstance)
  7. Ehmmmmm, GUI handler I don't have any. For what is it needed?
  8. I tried both(I replaced it first with true, then ran; again unsolved, second time with false, then ran;again unsolved)
  9. Hello. I am currently creating a nameless(only for now) block that has inventory. When I use shift-click on item, it works fine, but when I try basic movement to container(click on an item, drag cursor with item to choosed slot and click on this slot, this item moves to choosed slot) this item will disappear. If you can help me, post your help here. Here is my code
  10. But this tutorial you recommend for me is outdated.
  11. Well, I understood. Sorry, I am going off topic... Do you know about good tutorial for leanring TileEntities, that implement IInventory? I never made them, but I want to learn how-to them.
  12. OK, it worked. And... Can you explainme, what does this packet? Or how this packet work? It worked, but I don't understand it.
  13. But, to what class? To my TileEntity class or my block's class?
  14. I explain, why I think they are not saved. But I am not sure, because of this: 1. I place one block (from my mod:excavator) and when I placed it, it created tileentity and writes to it a INT direction. Then, is writed in code: every tick check if is powered by redstone. If true, set BOOLEAN active to true. This boolean is used only for texture. This block will check every tick, if behind it is any block, if true, then drops it on this(machine) block. 2. I leave(exit from) the world and again join (play) the world. 3. I looked at the blocks. All are rotated to the default direction-South(0). When I place a block next to it's back texture side, and power it with redstone, nothing happens, but when I place a block at side, where back texture side was rototated before, it destroy the block and drop it. And about the block update. I made this block react to redstone-when I turn the power ON, the block must change it's texture. But nothing happens while I place or destroy block next to it. I wanted when is redstone on, update or notify block. Sorry, if you find any mistakes, I am writing from mobile now and the keyboard is too small.
  15. Oh, sorry. I forgot to place my code inside of my post. Here is it: And, how can I notify this block of neighbour change (Make this block update or update its texture)?
  16. I have a block, that have TileEntity. When I "re-log" to the world, all my Blocks-with-tileEntity are rotated to 0(South) Can you help me with fixing it?
  17. They all can't help you. The 1.5.2 forge and MCP are outdated and don't work. I tried it. I tried to make a mod for my modpack( Minecraft 1.5.2 ) and when I downloaded it, I ran it and it throws my lot of exceptions of type java."something".FileNotFoundException. It means, you must update your whole modpack. In all ways, you can't modify or create mods for Minecraft 1.5.2. Below you can find way, that solves this problem. 1.Update your modpack to newer version. I don't recommend 1.6.x or 1.7.2. 1.6.4 for outdation. 1.7.2 for CurrentModificationException I recommended to update to version 1.7.10 or 1.8. If you update your modpack, they can help you. I am so sorry, but if you want it, you must do this.
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