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Everything posted by yorkeMC

  1. So, I am using the ItemRenderer to render some symbols around the player. I wish for them to be blurred, but the ItemRenderer class ignores mcmeta files when using the function "ItemRenderer.renderItemIn2D". Is there any way to blur things rendered with ItemRenderer? Here's my code:
  2. Added a check for player.worldObj.isRemote and it works now. Thanks.
  3. Here are the classes Main Class Here is the ClientProxy And here is the updated ArmorHandler file Also here are a few crash reports that may help This one was a serverside crash (crash-2015-06-01_21.09.15-server.txt) Heres another clientside one (crash-2015-06-01_21.05.31-client.txt) and another serverside one (crash-2015-06-01_21.05.30-server.txt) Hope you can help
  4. Bump? I really need help with this.
  5. I tried what jabelar said, and I called the thaumcraft proxy method in my clientProxy, this is what happened. And this
  6. Hey, I am modding and I have made a set of boots that have a particle effect when you walk... Whenever I come in contact (or close to) any other entity (in this case it was a sheep) while wearing the sheep, I get this same error, also I get it randomly when I move too much. Its really weird. Crash Report ArmorHandler class EDIT: it also seems to crash with this report if you jump then move.
  7. Thanks! It worked for the server side........ But not NEI is crashing on the client side :L well, that's a topic of it's own.
  8. If it would help, I guess I could post a download for my server setup.
  9. Yeah, I need the plugins. But downgrading Ender Storage made no difference either. Exact same crash.
  10. This is the latest version of Cauldron I could find. I got this crash:
  11. Nothing. Same errors after updating forge. I will log onto my server, and I cannot move, look around, break or place blocks, or type in chat. and I get a weird looking crash on console, yet the server dosent close. Oh also, I should mention. I updated my forge, I updated mods and I got crashes. So I downloaded the older versions of the mods, and I checked that is was all the same as before it crashed. But it still does this, everything is the same as when it worked. Is there anything that I can do? This is a long running servers and the other members would be extremely upset with me if it was to be reset.
  12. Nothing. Same errors after updating forge. I will log onto my server, and I cannot move, look around, break or place blocks, or type in chat. and I get a weird looking crash on console, yet the server dosent close.
  13. Thanks so much! It loaded finally!
  14. I have been making a small mod and I am trying to use a custom model for a sword. The model loads. But it is the pink and black missing texture. I have a texture and supposedly have it bound to the proper location. I don't know why it isn't working. Here is my Main Class Here is my Sword's class Here is the IItemRenderer class The model class Client Proxy And finally, the server proxy. Thanks in advance. If you need any more files I can post them.
  15. How would I use metadata there?
  16. Hello, I am working on a little mod with minecraftforge 1.7.10, in the mod I have a custom furnace used to make one of the tool materials. It is meant to rotate the way the player is facing when placed but this dosent work, and I cant find any tutorials on it anywhere... It would be awesome if someone could help me with this problem.
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