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Everything posted by laci200270

  1. Somebody?
  2. Anybody can help?
  3. Now I switched to blocksate jsons( https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/energymod/blockstates/eConduit.json ) but I can't make it "standing up" (the down and up doesn't working) any ideas how can I fix it?
  4. That problem fixed now by https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/commit/cf1f607614cd6dd9dc3a82706dabbc12b0b99d17 but now there is another problem: any idea why?
  5. I want to render a pipe with an ISmartModel but it doesn't works. Log: https://gist.github.com/laci200270/581983b3cc0a0b3c94b4#file-gistfile1-txt-L822-L2327 Code: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/handler/BakeEventHandler.java
  6. And what about this : --version, 1.6?Also you can try installing this: http://files.minecraftforge.net/LegacyJavaFixer/legacyjavafixer-1.0.jar this maybe fix it
  7. look at enderio's enderio maybe
  8. Why you want this?
  9. This pathfinding algrotithm: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/energy/tile/TileFluidNode.java#L120-L188 only find the taks that directly connected to the node.Any ideas?
  10. I want to do that that tile says.I tried to use this: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod but always crash with this: http://pastebin.com/aJ3AB4uq
  11. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=23187.0
  12. I think it maybe chunk-loading error(chunk doesn't loaded when player constructs first) but how can I load a chunk without TileEntity and only load for I set the values I need?
  13. Anyone can help?
  14. Look at this: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=28953.0
  15. If I think good this is the correct guide: https://tapatalk.com/download_SimpleMachines.php
  16. Here is the crash-report: https://gist.github.com/laci200270/6f1bb699d9d7914e6eba it crashes at this line: https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/skyblockgenerator/DATAFileFormatHelper.java#L133 the ileEntity is null, but I already created here: https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/skyblockgenerator/DATAFileFormatHelper.java#L123 and this happens only on first code run, when world generated, if I remove the NBT back load and then restart the world with activated it works
  17. Not ForgeMultiPart, ChickenBonessMultiPArt because not written by any Forge authors(Chickenbones named it wrong)
  18. I already done that, but still crashing
  19. I'm already setting it: https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/skyblockgenerator/DATAFileFormatHelper.java#L126
  20. Yes, I fixed it but the problem is with this code part: https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/skyblockgenerator/DATAFileFormatHelper.java#L128-140 I already created the TileEntity, but still null
  21. It would be great if Forge Forums support tapatalk.Tapatalk is a forum reader for Android. https://tapatalk.com/activate_tapatalk.php Here is the plugins.Sorry if I post this wrong place
  22. https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/mods/skyblockgenerator/DATAFileFormatHelper.java#L117 this line is only crashes when first world load if on the first world load I remove and generate the world log out and reactivate it it doesn't crashes.It called on EntityJoinWorldEvent.
  23. Now everything works, except the tileentity loading back.Now I get this crash-report: http://pastebin.com/rTqHuUHw . The latest code is on github.
  24. Isn't working it.Latest code uploaded the github(doubled the number of rows a coloums and still not working tried to only add 1)
  25. I found the problem!If nothing generates copy structure.dat to your config folder(it is on git root folder)
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