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Everything posted by laci200270

  1. Did you tested with the pre-supplied world 'void'?If you fly up and relog a structure should generate.For me generates it:
  2. Look at ModeBiped class
  3. Sorry, I'm using a eclipse plugin that setups the gradle for me, added gradle in the new commit
  4. if you need the git file: https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator.git
  5. What broken?
  6. Edit: added test world saves
  7. Sorry but I can't done the saving part better yet
  8. https://github.com/laci200270/skyblockgenerator to create a skyblock world go new world customize and in a worldtype select the custom one generate a new world and a structure should generate(its'a bit hard to test because is a void world so you need to fly up) and if you survived everything when you relog a new structure should generate if you want to save a new structure give a wand by /give Player skyblockgenerator:wandofsave and right click in one corner and shift right click on another corner and right click in air
  9. If you need the NBT that the code generates I uploaded here: http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g8edfd55d669e7942999680907e24bcfcf85570150 and the blockpos class: http://pastebin.com/bq7uAeFj
  10. Sorry, the new code: http://pastebin.com/w4ATic21
  11. Fixed it but now I get this:
  12. Now another problem happened: I finsihed the loading/saving code and when I tested it I got this: the loader/saver code http://pastebin.com/ApFXdeSe
  13. I'm working on a mod where I need to save a part of the world so I made this algortihm: http://pastebin.com/6rUvHJfN but it simply return an empty compound. Any ideas?(i'm on 17.10 the blcokpos is simply stores x y z
  14. You should look at this: https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/ForgeMultipart
  15. I found it, just after close mybrowser tab.(the setspawnpoint command and events)
  16. When the player logs in first time I nwant to give a custom spawn loc.I only found a tutorial for globally do it
  17. Take a look at: https://github.com/Messen/VoidMod
  18. Write your launcher, or simply public your modpack on a popular platform(technik)
  19. Take a look at:https://github.com/Azanor/thaumcraft-api
  20. You trying to generate biomes o plenty world?
  21. You can add spoiler with %spoiler@Text%/spoiler@ % means [ @ means ]
  22. Take a look at: https://github.com/Minalien/BlogArchive/blob/master/ForgeTutorials/Spotlight__API_Annotation.md
  23. If only in inventory not rendering try this: renderItem.getItemModelMesher().register(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":" + block.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "inventory")); (Sorry for that,I not good in English)
  24. I think if you write in two file and the another file reads it or simply setup tcp connection to localhost
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