I have noticed that in the developmental environment when youhave open an assts folder minecraft when launching stops at rendering global instances this is on forge version 1.7.10-
Hi, i want to know if there is a way to test if a mod is installed and if so using there items in a recipe or something like that without requiring the mod no matter what
Your help is appreciated thx in advance.
Sorry for the confusion what i meant was the lang files from other mods dont work either they only display english no matter what language i have set. This might be a problem with forge to because it says the lang keys instead of what the lang keys are supposed to equal Ex. forge.newversion.name
I put my lang files in my assets.modname.lang folder and i used spanish to test so i named it es_ES. What i meant was what do you recommend i use to translate my english lang file to other languages an example would be google translate
I decided to make my mod support multiple languages and i named the lang files correctly but for some reason when i go into minecraft after i have changed to one of the supported language it still uses the english language. Also what do you recommend to translate my lang files.