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Everything posted by Mightydanp

  1. i even use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));} still crashed my game
  2. register an item for my block ? these are the methods i use http://pastebin.com/TajnQ3TF
  3. My block render is acting wierd it gives me this error here are those lines 61 ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":" + prefixName, "inventory"));
  4. True but im not the brightest persion.
  5. I looked at it i couldnt really understand. I mean it says use this on this but ot never really gives examples just code fragments
  6. i have looked at that before but i couldnt really understand how to get this http://pastebin.com/8zn9bDUN to convert into using Capabilities
  7. i loaded it up after fixed some small code and i just made this code so that my eot inventory would work. this error is related to the code
  8. i know i do. i was just wondering if ItemEssenceStone::new would affect anything after i build it
  9. i used that because i couldnt really figure out a way to register my itemBlock
  10. ublic static <BLOCK extends Block> BLOCK registerBlockState(BLOCK block, String prefixName, @Nullable Function<BLOCK, ItemBlock> itemFactory, int numberOfBlockStates, String[] suffixName) { GameRegistry.register(block, new ResourceLocation(References.MODID, prefixName)); if (itemFactory != null) { final ItemBlock itemBlock = itemFactory.apply(block); GameRegistry.register(itemBlock.setRegistryName(block.getRegistryName())); } for (int i=0; i < numberOfBlockStates; i++){ ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), i, new ModelResourceLocation(References.MODID + ":" + prefixName + "_" + suffixName)); } BLOCKS.add(block); return block; }
  11. i decided to update it to 1.10 and everything went away . but i do have a question im using ItemEssenceOre::new and for it to work i have to change the recompile in eclipse to 1.8 or higher i think it was java se or something like that. but will that effect anything ? RegistryHandler.registerBlockState(essenceStone, BlockStrings.ESSENCESTONE_NAME, ItemEssenceOre::new, 5, essenceStoneBlockStates);
  12. after i cleaned it i get error like so. if i run minecraft it wont load my mod at all.
  13. It doesn't show any errors for me
  14. having a small problem did decompileWorkSpace, eclipe in the console whenenver i opened up eclipe and reran mine craft i started to get this error out of nowhere.
  15. its a inventory gui. where it loads the players inventory
  16. Thanks that helped alot. it doesnt tell me one thing is how do i make a packet that opens a gui. It gives me that basics but it doesnt give me the full story.
  17. Is there anyone willing to teach me or give me a link to something that i can use to teach me how to make server and client packets. i have a custom inventory that i want to try to get to work again and the help would be appreciated.
  18. what did you get to get it to work
  19. i fixed it >.> when i saw it was returning ore_string i figured that the state name had to be localized in the same class that is is being called in. such as instead of giving the names to the registryHandler. i let the ModBlocks and items tell the registry handler metadata i = ore_copper... 2=Tin and so and so.
  20. i moved ModItems.registerRenderers(); ModBlocks.registerRenderers(); into client proxy preInit and it broke everything but fixed the single items.
  21. ModItems.init(); is in pre init. in the public static void init(){} i have RegistryHandler.registerItemWithState( so odelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation( is in RegistryHandler.registerItemWithState( which is called in init, which is called in preinit. the renderer is called in my common proxy preinit
  22. registryHandler http://pastebin.com/n5HdCLUJ
  23. http://pastebin.com/SyjuDGZN
  24. http://pastebin.com/KXSmcgrd mod items http://pastebin.com/ZnTaypUt common proxy http://pastebin.com/SyjuDGZN
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