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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. You need to store the last use time ( World#getTotalWorldTime ) in the NBT and compare it against the current time in Item#onItemRightClick . If it's been at least COOLDOWN ticks, update the last use time and fire the arrow. I have an example of a similar weapon here that fires snowballs at a fixed rate while right click is held.
  2. Ah, I got a bit confused. That is indeed the method I meant.
  3. Set the maximum use duration to 0, the use action to NONE and fire the arrows from Item#onItemRightClick instead of Item#onItemUseFinish .
  4. Use JDK 8 for the ForgeGradle-based 1.7.10 and 1.8.x builds. Use JDK 7 for the ForgeGradle-based 1.6.4 builds (960-965) or JDK 8 for the most recent MCP-based 1.6.4 build (1345). This tutorial explains how to get started and set up a ForgeGradle workspace.
  5. The damage dealt by arrows is calculated in EntityArrow#onUpdate , which uses values set in ItemBow#onPlayerStoppedUsing . You can override these methods in your own classes to do whatever you want.
  6. I suggest you post the log anyway, it will probably give LexManos more of an idea of what's happening internally.
  7. Don't bump your threads, especially not after five minutes. It will only serve to annoy the people that can help you, it won't make them post any faster.
  8. You need to set the fire encouragement (a.k.a spread speed) and flammability of the Block yourself. Either call BlockFire#setFireInfo after registering your Block or override Block#getFireSpreadSpeed and Block#getFlammability to return the appropriate values.
  9. What's the full name (including extension) of the file you downloaded? It should be viewable in your browser's download list. I suspect you've somehow set WordPad as the default application of whatever file type you downloaded. All downloads except the changelog are some sort of binary file, so they'd look like a bunch of random characters if opened in a text editor/word processor like WordPad.
  10. ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation is Forge's replacement for ItemModelMesher#register(Item, int, ModelResourceLocation) , yes.
  11. Ah, that would indeed screw things up. I'm still surprised that there wasn't error in the log telling you that it couldn't find the model with that name.
  12. I can't see any obvious errors in your code. Could you upload the FML log to Gist and link it here? Are your files at tetracraft:blockstates/brox_stone.json, tetracraft:models/block/brox_stone.json, and tetracraft:models/item/brox_stone.json?
  13. Yes. Every Forge mod is a resource pack, so you can override vanilla assets with your own. Keep in mind that user-added resource packs will take priority over mod resource packs.
  14. If you call ShapedRecipes#func_92100_c on a shaped recipe, it will copy the NBT tag to the output from the last ingredient that has one. If you want more control over the output NBT, create your own implementation of IRecipe (optionally extending an existing one like ShapedRecipe / ShapedOreRecipe ), override IRecipe#getCraftingResult to set the NBT of the output ItemStack and add an instance of it using GameRegistry.addRecipe(IRecipe) . Side note: The whole point of vararg methods like GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe is that you just pass in the arguments as normal and Java creates the array for you.
  15. There should be an error in the log telling you what went wrong.
  16. The log just ends without any error, so I'm not too sure what's going on. Does it just get stuck while loading the world?
  17. I've never seen that happen, it's probably a bug in one of your mods. If you want to narrow it down, try removing mods that modify character models in some way until you find which one causes it.
  18. All mods will work in any form of single or multiplayer unless the author screwed things up. Most mods need to be installed on both the server and client, but some are client-only (e.g. minimaps, HUDs) or server-only (e.g. backup utilities). In single player and local multiplayer the host client is running an integrated server in the background, so you can run server-only mods. The guest clients won't need to have these installed. Installing client-only mods on the dedicated server will usually crash it, though a mod can specifically mark itself as client-only to avoid being loaded at all on the dedicated server.
  19. All mods are cross-platform, unless they go out of their way to break that. I'm not aware of any mods that do this. You can copy over your mods and config directories via a local network (if you have that set up) or upload them to something like DropBox/OneDrive from your computer and download them on her computer.
  20. You're calling World#setBlockToAir before you check what the player's holding, so it always removes the block. Do you actually understand what your code is doing?
  21. For a model's parent model you need to specify the model path relative to the models directory, so use block/pane_nsew as the parent instead of just pane_nsew . You're registering your azrons_wrath and fantasysw items twice, don't do this.
  22. Basically I want the function to allow only blocks or items within my mod. I know how to allow items in... but I'm completely lost on how you allow blocks to be placed inside of it...Any ideas? When in inventories, Block s are just regular Item s (most of which extend ItemBlock or a subclass). Use Block.getBlockFromItem and Item.getItemFromBlock to convert between the Block and ItemBlock form of a block. Pay attention to the return values, not every Item has a Block and not every Block has an ItemBlock . Some blocks (e.g. Sugar Canes, Cakes, Beds) use a separate Item that doesn't extend ItemBlock and won't work with these methods, other blocks (e.g. Air) don't have any item form at all.
  23. Likely because your field is a Map<String, ModelResourceLocation> (i.e. String keys). Use a Map<Pair<String, String>, ModelResourceLocation> if you have Pair<String, String> keys. Something was null in ModelBakery.registerItemVariants (line 765), I suspect it was one of the ResourceLocation s you passed to it. Set a breakpoint on that line with a condition that any of the values that have a field accessed or method called on them are null (e.g. value1 == null || value2 == null ) and run Minecraft in debug mode. When it hits the breakpoint, look at what's null . It means you can't create an instance of Pair , you need to create an instance of a concrete (non-abstract) class that extends it, i.e. ImmutablePair or MutablePair . You don't need to modify these pair keys, so use an immutable pair (either call Pair.of or manually instantiate ImmutablePair ).
  24. Upload the FML log (logs/fml-client-latest.log) to Gist and link it here. This will tell us what's going wrong. Don't put your models and other assets in the minecraft resource domain, use dbound:modelname in your blockstates file so it loads models from your resource domain.
  25. When asking for help with a crash, always include the crash report. Don't use the toString output as the key, use the Pair itself; though make sure the Pair class you're using overrides Object#hashCode so two Pair objects with the same contents are treated as the same key for hash maps. org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair supports this, but I'm not sure which class you're using.
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