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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. Why do you need sun.misc ? That's not part of the supported public interface.
  2. Are you sure you're not thinking of the mods menu accessed from the main menu (i.e. before you load a world)? That should be functional in 1.7.10.
  3. No, all of your dependencies should be handled through Gradle. Gradle will then add these to your IDE project. You can refresh the project from IDEA's Gradle window to update the project (including dependencies) from build.gradle.
  4. You're trying to add project dependencies (things used by your mod) as buildscript dependencies (things used to build your mod).
  5. Anything in the libs directory is automatically included as a dependency, you don't need to explicitly add it. Project dependencies (mods, libraries, etc.) go in the root dependencies block. Buildscript dependencies (like ForgeGradle) go in the buildscript.dependencies block. Maven and local dependencies don't affect each other at all. To add a dependency from Maven, add the Maven repository to repositories and add the dependency to dependencies . To add a local dependency, just add it to dependencies .
  6. You can either add the mod as a dependency via Gradle (the MDK's build.gradle links these pages explaining how to do this) or add the source code of its API to your project (i.e. put it in src/api/java) and add the mod itself to your development environment's mods folder. Baubles is usually used the latter way.
  7. That's the MCP mappings version used by 1.8.9 versions of Forge.
  8. Are you registering ModItems with the name "moditems" ? If not, either change the model name to match the registry name of ModItems or call ModelBakery.addVariantName with "somelxmod:moditems" to load that model. The Grey Ghost has a guide to troubleshooting item rendering here, I suggest following it.
  9. Minecraft only loads one model per Item by default: modid:itemRegistryName (where modid is your lowercase mod ID and itemRegistryName is the name you passed to GameRegistry.registerBlock / registerItem ). This resolves to either the assets/modid/models/item/itemRegistryName.json model or the model specified by the inventory variant of the assets/modid/blockstates/itemRegistryName.json blockstates file. To load one or more other models, you need to call ModelBakery.addVariantName with the names of the models in the same modid:name format as above. To specify which model to use for an Item , call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation or ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition in preInit.
  10. Use bearded-octo-nemesis to deobfuscate a mod before decompiling it.
  11. This menu was only made functional in 1.8.8- I don't think it will be backported to 1.7.10.
  12. PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent is fired on the server side when a player logs in. You can send a chat message to an ICommandSender (which EntityPlayer implements) using ICommandSender#addChatMessage .
  13. Not too sure what's going on there since I don't use Eclipse myself. Try running gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse to delete the project and then regenerate it.
  14. You need to recreate your IDE project. If you're using Eclipse, re-run gradlew eclipse . If you're using IDEA, open build.gradle with it and re-import the project.
  15. Block#getRenderType is completely unrelated to TESR , except that returning -1 from it prevents the standard baked model from rendering. You should be able to have a baked model and a TESR for the same block.
  16. Did you try looking at the ServerData class or how it's used? You should be able to navigate to it and find usages of it using your IDE.
  17. Have you tried specifying the static model in the blockstates file as normal and then rendering the draining effect from your TileEntitySpecialRenderer ?
  18. The volume you play the sound at using World#playSoundEffect determines how far around the position the sound can be heard. If you look at WorldManager#playSound (the server-side IWorldAccess implementation called by World#playSoundEffect ), you'll see that the S29PacketSoundEffect (the packet that plays the sound on the client) is sent to all players in a radius of 16 * volume blocks around the target position (minimum radius is 16).
  19. Is this message printed in the launcher log? If so, post that using Gist. When linking a Gist, either copy the URL from the address bar or select Share in the dropdown menu next to the URL textbox and copy that URL. The Embed URL is for embedding the Gist into a webpage.
  20. World#playSound does nothing on the server and plays the sound on the client. World#playSoundAtEntity , World#playSoundToNearExcept and World#playSoundEffect send a packet to the appropriate clients telling them to play the sound and do nothing on the client.
  21. Minecraft ran out of memory. Give it more by increasing the number in -Xmx1G (1G = 1 GB) in your launcher's JVM arguments.
  22. I'm not too sure what's going wrong. Can you access classes from other referenced libraries (e.g. com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet from Guava or org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils from Apache Commons)?
  23. Is your event handler being called? Is your cave generator being called?
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