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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Moritz

  1. Well i do not know if i can make a test mod for that we want to make in the modjam^^
  2. Another Reply. I readed this thread about 5 times. And i saw that we talk in diferend ways: First Mazetar: I make another dim. You already know that. You asked: How do you want override/edit vannilla classes when you can not do that? My answer: I do not need to override/edit vannilla classes. For the most blocks we make a replacement block. Like: For a furnace we have a realistic furnace. Another thing: We exchange the whole inventory of a player which is joining/leaving the dimension so we have no trouble with other blocks. Now to my problem(Half solved): I want to make out of mod blocks realistic blocks. Like a Buildcraft engine. With an addon we will replace the old engine with our one. How? read the last post. But we can not access every class. Like Ic2 is hiding his code. Thats kind of a trouble. Thats why the question how can i override classes without extends their mod. I hope i made everything understandable
  3. By the way i found a way to override indereclty tile entities. I just copy the class and add my functions. because we make our own dimension i just need to override the block^^". In the createTileEntity function of forge i have the metadata and what is more important the world. i can still access it. And with that i can tell when the dimensionID is my one than load my overriden tile entities. Else load the normal tileentities^^" That is a way^^"
  4. yeah its possible. In the World.Class is a function called: getWorldTime(); getTotalWorldTime(); setWorldTime(long time); That is what you need. But before you code you should read a lot of sources. And try to understand what function does what. (not every singel.) but the important one like setBlock, getTile/Block/Meta/ItemStack how to create something, How to use something. When you have an error where you have to look. and and and.
  5. Mazetar. Cool answer. But i told you already an answer how to prevent my trouble with a tickhandler. Thanks for the thing with learning. But minecraft is already my learning step. I only want to learn form minecraft how do you have to think when you want programm. And i am someone who can not stop to think. My brain is working and working and killing me every night with stealing my sleeptime. ^^" I do not want to be a bad person or something like that. But i think a good programmer find always a way to his goal. I do not want to tell that i am a good programmer. Maybe i am the biggest noop ever. But i only have these ideas (some are from myself some of them comes from other people). And i try to make them. Also i know i am not ready for it. i know i need to get more order. (at this moment my order is not as good as shit). ^^" Now i forgot what i wrote. ^^" happends sometimes. Anyway i do know how good i am and what i can and what not. I am not able to create my own tickhandler. But i am able to find a way to get on the right way. ^^" By the way thanks to everyone who answered here^^
  6. First i do not know how to make/use a tickhandler. It could be easy but i do not know how to use it. I make a new dimension. So i can make the checking part in the updateWeathereffects function. Which is ticking in the dimension and only in my dim. Also i can access all tile entities in the world class and read everything^^. That should work. I can not test it. Because i want to code it at the modjam^^"
  7. ok i know i can read tiles with a item/block. But now the Big Question how can i make it without any block. Like the world has a block.
  8. I am not sure. But the you have to make a new one. Because golems are only hostel to a player when they are linked to a village and you hurt a villager. Or you attack the golem itself then he is a time angry.
  9. Also i have to detect if the engines do run! Because a engine does only killing the envioment when it runs.
  10. Now You getting start to understand. Now we get to the main problem. When i make a realistic world. Engines of BC (steam and combustion) are killing the envioment. So i have to make that the code in the bc engines do that. And there comes the overriding in the game. But the enviomentkilling comes only in the realistic dimension. So how can i do that?
  11. Ok Look at BC there is BCcore, BCTransport, BCEnergy, BCBuilders. I want to make a modCore its just a mod. But this will have addons Like BC and RP2. Its easy to understand.
  12. you did not understand me. In the modjam we will write the core mod which do not accept other mod blocks. After the modJam we will make a API that allow people to register their blocks and items. And we will make addons to it that will be cover IC2 and BC3. Now i explain my idea. Then a Player joins the Dimension then his inventory will be checked. The Checker has a list with item/Block ids from vannilla. Also the Checker has a list with replacement blocks/items. So i do not override blocks or items with changing them. I made new items/blocks and when you join the dim the items get changed not more. So i can make a new furnace without breaking the rules.
  13. Vannilla stuff is no problem! We write extra tiles for that. So we make extra blocks for our dim and the furnace will be just replaced by a new block when you join the realistic Dim.
  14. I got another problem for you. What happends when the player (standart keybinding) is Pressing Q? (Means drop a item in your hand)
  15. yeah that checking is not a solution. And what is when you add a varibale to a player has The item in the inventory and then the living handler search only at these players who have this variable. Would that be a way?
  16. Does someone have a idea how to do this?
  17. I know 2 ways to check if an special Item is inside of the Players Inventory. First way is from the item itself (onUpdate() function). Second way is from an entityliving update handler. with that you should can scan the inventory of the player. I think this shoud be what you are asking. If not explain it in more detail.
  18. Ok. i know i need to play with full cards. Here the full idea/problem. A friend and me had the idea to make a realistic mod. With realistic blocks (like terrafirmacraft) and an envioment (Like thaumcraft with vis and aura nodes) but in this case its nature. Like in the real world. Short version: A real world minecraft (time not included). Now we want to do that in the ModJam. And override vanilla classes is not alowed. So we decided to do a realistic Dimension. Everyone who join this dimension will be registered (items he have will be changed so we do not break rules) Then we want to create that machines create dirty steam and that damage the envioment. And you can heal the envioment with trees and airfilters. Like that. Now the problem is every block which is not registered will be deactived. Only when the player joins the dimension. Yeah and we want to do addons to IC2 and BC so you can still use them in the dim. So we have to override them to make the blocks realistic. Understand what i mean?
  19. Hmmm i saw how ic2 does make overriding for bc. So i have to make new blocks which extends the old ones and override their blockID and tileLoading. That should work right?
  20. Mazetar. That will not work. I want very mich modBlocks. Under these blocks are IC2/BC3 Blocks. Emmm short way i mean every machine!
  21. I want to add in a view tileentities a liquid/fluid tank that create a view liquid. So the question how can i add things to the tileentity of another mod?
  22. How can i override classes from over mods without extends their mod.
  23. Moritz


    In this case do i have no informations about what i am asking about. Maybe you are right and i give only half informations and request to much. But i am afraid of giving to much informations out. I do not believe that anyone here would implement this code i post in his own source. But i do trust nobody on this world. Even not myself. But thanks for the Review^_^
  24. I had the idea to make a ArrayList where chunks are listed in. When a chunk is not in the list he place my aura block and register the chunk. Because there are a lot of informations in the chunk.
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