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Everything posted by Raggarcowboy
I hardly doubt this is the problem since the arrow isn't rendering but you might always check at least, replace this.loadTexture("/mods/lyoko/textures/items/laserarrow.png") with this.loadTexture("/textures/items/laserarrow.png") since it counts the texture path relative to the render code.
Could you post source code? I might not be able to respond till tomorrow but I'll see then
I didn't even check to see if it was a ModLoader tutorial, I just googled and posted the first video I saw. What's wrong with ModLoader? If it's so easy that it can even be done with ModLoader, then that's great isn't it?
Yup, I have no idea how you use a TileEntity to make a custom block model but I know it's possible. Check something like this out
Just use the arrows.png as a template to make your own arrow and then you replace "/item/arrows.png" with "/relative/path/to/your/arrowstexture.png", the code is counting from the render class so if the texture is in the middle of all your mod's classes, the path would just be "/arrowtexture.png" and if it is in a folder it would be "/foldername/arrowtexture.png". Get it? Try that
In what way does it not work? You mean you can't see the arrow? I just got a whole lot of help to render a throwable item and therefore I know that there's a craptonne of stuff that could be wrong. If it's not private, it would also help if you posted your source code!
I'm glad I could help
Seems as your code has quite a lot of flaws... First of all, instead of "this.setDead();" in onImpact in your EntityRockSnowball class, use this code: That will damage the target and also spawn a snowball particle. You can change the number I've commented by to change the damage. Second of all, in the doRenderThrownItem, replace... this.loadTexture("ashtonsmod:RockSnowball"); ... with... this.loadTexture("/gui/items.png"); Third thing, inside the doRender function, put doRenderThrownItem(etc...) instead of doRenderRockSnowball(etc...) since this function is completely empty. Also you can delete the doRenderRockSnowball function (the last function of the render class) since it only takes unnecessary space. Now if all of this still doesn't work, then take away the RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityRockSnowball.class, new RenderRockSnowball()); line from your ClientProxy and put it in the load/init function of your main class. Hope this helped
I would go ahead and follow Senitiels code, however if it still doesn't work, the part that fixed it for me was switching place of... RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntitySilverDagger.class, new RenderSilverDagger()); from ClientProxy.java to your load/init-method in your main mod-class, like so @Init public void load(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityBlasterBolt.class, new RenderBlasterBolt()); } Good luck!
I got it to work! The problem was in the render registration, I registered it in the registerRenderers method in ClientProxy.java at first, but then I tried to do it in the load method and it worked! Do you know why it didn't work in ClientProxy? I did initialize it in the main class... Btw, I read some of the tutorial you provided, that seriously is a really great tutorial! I will definitely use it in the future! Thanks a lot
I'm really sorry about all these questions but I really just want to add a simple snowball with another texture. Now, I followed your steps provided here and I got it to render! but it renders as a white cube flying in the air, I don't want it like a cube, I just want the texture flying in the air... If I remove the float, then I'll have to remove these two lines of code: float f2 = this.field_77002_a; GL11.glScalef(f2 / 1.0F, f2 / 1.0F, f2 / 1.0F); It doesn't change anything so I wonder if you know what they do? Also since it doesn't render any texture, I can guess that I've put a wrong path in it. Is this correct? Icon icon = SilverDagger.swordSilver.getIconFromDamage(0); loadTexture("/mods/silverdagger/textures/items/Silver_Dagger.png"); Or should I change the path somehow? Thank you so much for this help
I used the fireball code, but it still doesn't render. Here's my code: RenderSilverDagger: ClientProxy: Questions: What does the float parameter in the RenderSilverDagger constructor do? Do I need to register anything more? Is there anything more you'd recommend?
Yea well the thing is I don't know how to change the texture file, do you?
Anyone? Just how would you add a custom snowball?
Have you put the classes inside a package? Like me.petersfun.mymod? If so, have you zipped that package or just the classes? Is Forge installed correctly? Try to reinstall the .minecraft-folder. That is everything I can think of.
Seems to me your problem lies mainly in the fact that you haven't installed any JDK (Java Development Kit) this is essential since without it you can't develop Java applications. You'll have to install it, you can get the latest version here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html You should look after a download called "Java Platform (JDK) 7u17". Also the path to Material is net.minecraft.block.material.Material if I recall correctly
How would I go with making a texture for an EntityThrowable? I want to add a dagger that can be thrown, I have done that but it doesn't have a texture. I bet there's a Forge hook for this, could anybody show me an example?
I'm just curious, what do you mean with ASM?
Okay, could you maybe explain it further?
I've heard that you can port Forge mods to Bukkit by using a Forge ported Bukkit build. I've been looking in Minecraft Port Central, and I've found several CraftBukkit's with Forge but there doesn't seem to be any build for MC 1.3.2. It is weird when the update has been out for over two months now... Does anybody know where you can get a CraftBukkit with ForgeMP built in? Or can I just install it manually? How do I do that? How do I port my mods to Bukkit the best way? How do Tekkit use Bukkit? Is it with Forge for Bukkit? I would very much appreciate some more information about this topic, since I'm new to Forge and really don't know very much about it. Thank you.