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Everything posted by ThexXTURBOXx

  1. Potion.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation("fire_resistance")); This is what I would try to use (I don't know, if it works) And then I would do the Stack like this: int id = Potion.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation("fire_resistance")); theTileEntity.setInventorySlotContents(slot, new ItemStack(Items.POTIONITEM, 1, id));
  2. I did that everytime and for me it works (haven't tested it without yet, so you could be right... I think, that you are right, I know your coding tutorials ) I think, that he means choosing the workspace. Then it would be right, what he does. If the project doesn't appear, then he should import it like you said.
  3. https://github.com/Rustico-Network/RusticoHelper/tree/master/ There is everything I have right now (In my client it overrides EVERY item regardless, if the ItemPropertyGetter returns 1 or 0 )
  4. You need to execute these commands: 1. gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies 2. gradlew setupDevWorkspace --refresh-dependencies 3. gradlew eclipse If it doesn't work after executing those, just ask again in this thread
  5. Yes, this is still an issue My Code is here: https://github.com/Rustico-Network/RusticoHelper/tree/master/java/de/thexxturboxx/rusticohelper In Bukkit/Spigot, there is an option to set metadata-keys with values (see here, the code in the first post is an example: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/meta-data-on-placed-blocks.55072/) EDIT: I found something in the log: http://pastebin.com/ngKBiKpV But why does Forge search in the folder "rusticohelper:item/textures/items/crook.png" The normal folder would be "rusticohelper:items/crook", right?
  6. Have you got it working yet? I'm stuck in those Properties, too
  7. Ok, we have updated our network now and I updated my mod. I'm just following your "guide": But how would I do this, if I need to set a new Texture for a block? May I just call Item.getItemFromBlock(...) or is there a other method? EDIT: But there is something odd... o_O If I do this in the preInit, like you said, then I get a NullPointer at getRenderItem()... In the init - method it works, but now the textures are changed even when the item does not have the name I wrote in the IItemPropertyGetter... EDIT 2: Item.getItemFromBlock works, but I don't know how to replace the texture of the block itself, when it got placed
  8. Ok, thanks But I don't know how to do this exactly This sounds good, but I do this for a little Server Network, which runs at 1.8 at the moment Maybe we will update it... Thanks to you, too But: Is there really no other method?
  9. Hello guys, I want to make a CLIENT ONLY mod. I would like to change the texture of an item, if it has a specific name. E.g.: The item is an normal apple. Its name is "Apple" ==> Normal Apple-texture The item is an normal apple. Its name is "Special Apple" ==> Own Texture Is this even possible and if yes, how could I do it? I don't find any events regarding to this (I can't just do e.setTexture(new ResourceLocation("")); ). Thanks in advance ThexXTURBOXx
  10. Thanks for your help! I even found a way to do it (for temporarily use, very unsafe). "It would be a bad idea": Yeah, but for now it's working, thanks for your help! :>
  11. Ok, is there a way then to transfer the data from the client to the server? I only need the data from the client in this case, because the data by the server can get delayed and then it has totally other values.
  12. Thanks for the first help, but after some more debug, I noticed, that the CompoundTag gets totally deleted. Can the server just delete it then?
  13. My code (the problem one): https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Reforged/blob/master/java/org/silvercatcher/reforged/items/weapons/ItemCrossbow.java#L162 My problem: After some ticks, the "ir" in there gets 0... It doesn't even get modified by my code (it MUST be Forge or Minecraft). Everything, what could possibly modify it got debugged by me. What could change the value of the Compound Tag there? I mean, in the beginning, it saves the value, but after some ticks it gets 0? Why?
  14. Thank you! I thought it isn't different, if I just use the other method. Thanks! ^^
  15. Hello guys, I am trying to show a tooltip, when the mouse hovers over some coordinates on the screen. The tooltip shows up, if I call it in the drawScreen()-method, but it doesn't work in the handleMouseInput()-method, where I need it. Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/H6nMPmjX Thanks in advance ThexXTURBOXx
  16. Ok, I got it working... Here is my code (for anyone who needs it): https://github.com/ThexXTURBOXx/Craft-of-Legends/blob/master/java/de/thexxturboxx/craftoflegends/util/Helpers.java
  17. Ah, ok. I thought, that there would be a method by Forge... Well, thanks anyway ^^
  18. Hello guys, I have a very simple question: Is there a method like I18n.translateToLocal(String toTranslate) for an other language than the current one? I mean something like translate(String toTranslate, String language). Thanks ThexXTURBOXx
  19. *facepalm* Sorry Lex, this was just silly by me -.- Thanks! ^^ (Didn't know about JSON-Validators yet... Cool thing)
  20. Hello guys ^^ I can't get Forge's version checker working. I haven't tested it outside of Eclipse (but that shouldn't change anything I think...). Here's my version.json (Yes, I have tested it on GitHub, too): http://femtopedia.de/col_version.json Here is the relevant code: @Mod(modid = COLMod.ID, version = COLMod.VERSION, name = COLMod.NAME, updateJSON = "http://femtopedia.de/col_version.json") public class COLMod { public static final String NAME = "Craft of Luck"; public static final String ID = "craftofluck"; public static final String VERSION = "0.0.1"; ... } Do I have to change anything? Thanks ^^ ThexXTURBOXx
  21. Try this instead of RenderCustomArrow: new RenderArrow<EntityArrow>(Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager()) { @Override protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityArrow entity) { return RESOURCE_LOCATION_OF_THE_TEXTURE_HERE; } }; The RenderCustomArrow-class is gone, because the new RenderFactory came up...
  22. Well, 400 Errors fixed in 1 day... 557 + 46 left... Release in a few days I think ^^
  23. Ok, thank you! Do you know a good Tutorial for this?
  24. Hello guys ^^ I have set up some recipes using the IRecipe-Interface. They are not showing up in NEI. What should I do to get them showing up in NEI? Do I have to write a own Handler for this? Thank you for help
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