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Everything posted by ovikk
Please Check My Code for ERRORS regarding custom WorkBench[UNSOLVED]
ovikk replied to avaikulis's topic in Modder Support
Take a look at the vanilla crafting table. The crafting manager is responsible for crafting recipes. The ContainerWorkbench is responsible for the GUI to load, and the GuiWorkbench is responsible for displaying the GUI on screen. You'd also want the BlockWorkbench and InventoryCrafting classes. I think thats all the classes.. Might have missed some. Good Luck! -
You don't appear to be doing anything wrong.. Where to do you grab the WorldSaveData? Also... why are you using UUID?
Look in the TileEntityFurnace if you're stuck at how to process stuff. It's where I learned how to do it.
Why do you store 60 slots in your TileEntity when you only add 16 in your Container?
Update IExtendedEntityProperties with packet handling (From gui)
ovikk replied to ItsAMysteriousYT's topic in Modder Support
Have you registered the packet? Where do you send the packet? If you need a proper way to get the EntityPlayer, check out coolAlias's packet handling tutorial: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/2137055-1-7-x-1-8-customizing-packet-handling-with What do you mean, packet handling doesn't work? -
Inside the chest is more than 45 slots. 4x9 player's inventory and 6x3 inventory chest ... Are you saying you are storing the players inventory in your chest?
Look in the net.minecraft.world.gen.feature package. There is plant generation code there.
If you have an array of 45 slots, you cannot access slot 45 as there is no slot called that. The highest slot number is 44 as the first slot number is 0.
That's 1.6 code. Don't use that unless you know what you are doing. Look in one of vanilla's guis. Compare the fontRender function in there with yours.
Gradle's run out of memory. You need to specify more. Open the gradlew file (with notepad++ or wordpad), and look around line 11. There should be a variable called DEFUALT_JVM_OPTS . Change that to something higher. 512M is 1/2 GB 1024M is 1 GB 2G is 2 GB and so on...
Try getting the NBTTagList by doing: NBTTagList list = nbt.getTagList("inventory", NBT.TAG_COMPOUND); Just a thought... Also, you're functions are not called when you enter the chunk? If so, have you registered your TileEntity? Then, place a breakpoint in the NBT functions, and debug it.
The best tutorial:
what do you mean view shakes? Is it like you get hurt whenever you heal? I've never experienced my view shaking when I heal in minecraft.
No. I guess it would have an impact if somebody wanted to bridge over to your mod. Also, their are some stuff like, tabs before blocks and items, items and blocks before crafting recipes.. etc. And the different states do help prevent that. After all, you cannot use any of your items before the items have been instantiated.
Yes, update the item the player is holding. It works yes, but the there is a reason to why there are different phases. If I remember correctly, preInit is registration, init is crafting recipes, forge hooks..., and postInit is bridging to other mods.
Check out the net.minecraft.world.gen.feature package. Lots of tree gen code there.
You know there is a function called consumeInventoryItem, which just consumes the item. Also, items must be registered in the preInit . NOT the init phase. Now, the last most important thing is: you cannot store values inside your item classes. There are only one instance of every item, which makes every field in that class, static throughout all items in the game. Which means all items will reload at the same time. Not good... Do it with metadata instead. 0 equals no reload, 1 is reload. Got it?
Is there a Forge hook to modify base classes?
ovikk replied to MagnusCaligo's topic in Modder Support
That's not possible without editing base classes. You could do it with heavliy ASM maybe, but not recommended. Maybe you should make the mod without Forge, but maybe you should instead just ditch Minecraft and instead make a game about it, based on Minecraft. If you want to do this; you're mod will end up like Better than wolfs mod or Ather 2 . If you're going to edit base classes without forge, you're mod won't work with any other mod. -
Minecarft 1.7.10 mod i cant find how to make tree generatartion
ovikk replied to DerpyMario's topic in Modder Support
Check out the net.minecraft.world.gen.feature package. There's a lot of tree generation code there. -
Are you creating a plugin? Or is it a mod? If you're creating a mod, I'm afraid you cannot get the plugins to recognize your chest. Unless there is some secret mysterious way of doing it...
Why are you extending LivingEvent? And WHY are you placing the code in the constructor? You're event will only be called if you post it yourself, and you're probably not doing that. If you want your event to be called by forge, you need to create an EventManager class. You need to register this class at the correct bus in your preinit, in this case: MinecraftForge.EVENTBUS.register(new EventManager()); In your EventManager you need this function: @SubscribeEvent public void update(LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent event) { //YOUR RENDERING CODE GOES HERE } If this short tutorial made no sense, read jabelar's tutorial:
Dunno if this helps, but there's an attribute called knockback resistance
No. Where do you call your function?