I'm working on a new modding project, and for some reason my mcmod file is non-functional.
My encompassing class is CMI, so the zipfile for my mod contains the reobf'd CMI folder and the mcmod.info file described below. This is showing no information within the MultiMC tab, and the in-game mod list is telling me to provide a mcmod.info file.
"modinfoversion": 2,
"modlist": [{
"modid": "AECMI",
"name": "AEther's CMI",
"description": "Integration between some of the biggest and coolest mods out there!",
"version": "0.0.1",
"mcversion": "1.4.6/7",
"url": "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1664069-wip-aethers-cmi-cross-mod-integration/",
"authors": [ "AEtherchild", ],
"requiredMods": [ "Forge" ],
The mcmod.info file was made in Notepad, ANSI encoded, if that makes a difference at all. I don't have an option to save-as in JSON so that was the next best choice.
I've also set mod metadata within my CMI class itself, I have NO idea whether this is supposed to help or not.
public void load(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
event.getModMetadata().modId = "AECMI";
event.getModMetadata().version = "0.0.1";
event.getModMetadata().name = "AEther's CMI";
event.getModMetadata().description = "Integration between some of the biggest mods out there!";
event.getModMetadata().url = "http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1664069-wip-aethers-cmi-cross-mod-integration/";
Question is. What am I doing wrong?
Also while I'm here, I attempted to have the mcmod.info file within my CMI package in Eclipse, yet it got skipped over in obfuscation. Presumably I'm doing something wrong here too.