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Everything posted by SoggyMustache

  1. package tk.soggymustache.blocksmod.block.custom; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; public class CustomBlockClass extends Block{ public CustomBlockClass(Material materialIn) { super(materialIn); } { this.setStepSound(stepSound.GLASS); this.setHardness(0.2F); this.setResistance(0.4F); Blocks.fire.setFireInfo(ModBlock.CustomBlock, 8, 30); } }
  2. I added that but it does not destroy the block like if you lit leaves.
  3. Could I use this ? this.isFireSource(world, pos, side);
  4. No matter what I do I can't get my custom block to burn I thought that I just needed to make the material wood is that not the case anymore?
  5. Great it is working now! For any one looking at this in the future here is what mine looks like http://pastebin.com/FqEbaTD9
  6. ChatComponentString does not work it just errors
  7. I have a working connection handler but minecraft 1.9 removed alot of the chat components I used before does any one know what they have been changed to
  8. any time I try joining my world with lan it kicks me out on the non host account http://pastebin.com/8f0gxUTP it also shows this in game
  9. I am working on a mod in 1.9 and I want to make it so the entity cannot move on any block but snow or snow layer does any one know what I need to get this working
  10. I got my username working but the password says incorrect login credentials
  11. oops never mind I saw I was supposed to select it from eclipse
  12. Here is a screen shot of all the things in my run folderhttp://imgur.com/dYlOaWv
  13. I was wondering if it is possible to use my minecraft account in my modding work space does anyone know if you can do this.
  14. You could try creating a custom .json and making it the same dimensions as a normal minecraft texture and just replace the back with something different then the front.
  15. WHen I put that in i add .sendChat.Msg() and in the () it needs a IChatComponent but I cant figure out how to make one
  16. Im not the best coder but would it go like this @SubscribeEvent public void playerLog(PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent event) { ServerConfigurationManager.sendChatMsg("Hi"); }
  17. That didnt work what else could I do.
  18. I have a player login event. and I want it so when someone goes into the world it will say something in the chat almost as if a command block said it.
  19. I have made an event handler but I can figure out how to make it so when I log into the world it will display a message in the game chat and not in the eclipse console. Does any one know what to do
  20. That didnt work any other ideas
  21. I want to make it so that my items will look 3d in the inventory just like how they do in 3d person.
  22. Changing it didn't work but I just transferred all the code to a new mod environment and it worked so thanks for you help.
  23. ok http://pastebin.com/Tpdbg6DP
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