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Everything posted by BusyBeever

  1. SideOnly stuff can only be used when you are sure to be on client side, if you are not sure you need to use proxies
  2. areItemStacksEqual checks if the stacks have the same stacksize, which is not what you want. change ur method to take an Item as param instead of an ItemStack, and then check stack.getItem()==myPassedItem
  3. What exactly do you want? If you want player to build like creative and die like survival allow the player to fly and remove that players loose a block when they place it. The other way round is way harder.
  4. there are two ways. 1. put ur library in the mods folder 2. make gradle merge the content of ur lib jar inside ur mod jar
  5. you need the deobfuscated version
  6. What shall I pass for the translating as Object... Parameters? Is null fine?
  7. I18n.format (the I18n from net.minecraft.client.resources ). If you are not on the client: don't translate, the server does not know the client's language. But then what I18n in util.translation for? I don't think there is a replacement, ItemBow , which used it in vanilla, now has a for loop. And forge won't make one? (as helper class or as patch?)? The translation is to translate keys to "words" on client side..?
  8. Depends on the functionality tbh. If you change your chest plate and the arrow is still flying you still want more dmg?
  9. Hey everyone, I am updating my mod and I was unable to find replacements for the following and hope to find help here -EnchantmentHelper.getSilkTouchModifier -StatCollector.translateToLocal -player.inventory.consumeInventoryItem (ofc i could iterate over the inventory but is there another way) -GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor Any help is appreciated
  10. You will need to use events for that. Either LivingHurtsEvent to calculate the dmg new or some kind of arrow event
  11. it would be a shame if we could see the stacktrace and the code.
  12. Don't register message with SideOnly Move the registration to preinit
  13. How about overriding the method in ur block class? Also you should really update. 1.7 is so outdated
  14. Read the message. Are you registering an block with minecraft:stone?
  15. yeah sorry i had a total brainfart (pls ignore my words about u cant register them, if you are using the metadata correctly you can) im still not sure what the problem is, but i feel like its bc the capital letters, did you try it?
  16. And you cant register one block three times with different renderer, how should minecraft know which to use? You need to instantiate ur ore blocks as 3 different ones
  17. its so nice that I know how ur registerRender method looks nice..
  18. dont store variables inside the item classes, since they are singleton. you need to use the items nbt to store data
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