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Everything posted by SM68

  1. So I found out why it wasn't working. public IIcon getIcon(int meta) { if (meta > 2) meta = 0; return this.icons[meta]; } See if you can spot the problem. Answer:
  2. I think he meant it would be much faster on a single world (the one on the server) than for all worlds in one's Minecraft, though I do have to wonder why it would apply to all worlds at once, unless he's thinking that having a bunch of crap accessing an online spreadsheet would bog it down.
  3. I searched fml-client-latest.log for "missing" using Notepad++ and found: The top two lines occurred because I realized I had registered it as "metablock" rather than "multiblock" and changed it, then entered the same world I was already using, causing Forge to get on my case because that block was now missing - that doesn't matter as far as I can tell. Fixing the name didn't work, though - it still won't map the textures on. All other results for "missing" were telling me that [FML/]: The mod container forge-1.7.10- appears to be missing an mcmod.info file or some similar line, or [17:01:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forge Mod Loader/]: Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one or some similar line. Full MultiBlock.class and MultiBlockItemBlock.class: Launcher log, in case it happens to be relevant: EDIT: Full error log: EDIT AGAIN: Searching the latest log for "texture" returned 24 results:
  4. 1. public static final Block multiBlock = new MultiBlock("multiblock", Material.cloth) .setHardness(0.1F).setStepSound(Block.soundTypeCloth) .setBlockName("multiBlock").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock) .setBlockTextureName("genericmod:multiBlock"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(multiBlock, ItemBlockMultiBlock.class, "multiblock"); TL;DR: Block texture name is set to "genericmod:multiBlock". 2. There's no error as far as I can tell; it simply doesn't load the textures. I'm pretty sure I'm not referring to the files correctly, but I'm not sure in what way.
  5. Hello! So I'm trying to create, basically, a clone of wool. I'm basing it mostly off of these tutorials: Though I only want three colors for the block. However, though the textures are compiling properly, I can't get the block to actually utilize them. They simply have the whole "missing texture" butt-ugly checkerboard. Code: Since the block's textureName is "multiBlock" and the icons are registered as this.textureName + "_" + index, I assumed the texture files would be named multiBlock_1, multiBlock_2, etc. But the files, while not being counted as missing in the launcher, are not being put on the blocks. Thanks!
  6. Probably should have included that - the textures are in forge_1710_src/src/assets/genericmod/textures/<blocks or items>, and the code is in forge_1710_src/src/main/java/tutorial/generic. (For whatever reason, forge_1710_src/src/Minecraft/src, the folder Havvy's tutorial on the wiki told me to put .java files in, didn't exist and is not on the build path. I don't know what happened when I set up the environment, but either I did something wrong or that page of the tutorial isn't updated quite right.) EDIT: Placing the files in src/main/resources/assets/genericmod/textures cuased it to compile properly. I still don't understand why the two blocks orked right, because that folder was empty before, but it works now. Thank you!
  7. So I'm pretty new to modding. I'm currently finishing up a generic, wool-like block with metadata that I've cobbled together based on several different tutorials. My code is apparently solid; the game loads fine and the three different subblocks are present. The problem comes in with the textures. For some reason, when I build the .jar to test my mod (I could never get gradlew runClient working), the textures for a couple of other blocks (genericDirt and genericOre) are successfully loaded into it. These two blocks are the first things I created, and once I figured out where the textures went, they worked perfectly and still do. However, the three textures for multiBlock - multiBlock_x.png - are always missing from the jar file, as are the textures for all my items. Adding them in manually fixes the issue, but I'd rather not have to do that every time. Is there something I didn't do in the code for multiBlock that I did for the others? Code to register each block or item: Code to initialize blocks/items:
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