I've noticed that the version.json for 1.13 is "\forge-1.13.2-###-installer\version.json" instead of "\forge-1.12.2-###-installer\forge-1.12.2-###-universal\version.json"
Is there a reason for this? Is it temporary? Is it going to apply to earlier MC versions soon?
Here's an idea. How about someone on the Forge team develops a way so only Patron donors can access a .json for whatever they need? Maybe make the "index_mc.json" require a --ForgeUsername and --ForgePassword, assuming the patrons let you know.
Using Forge forums credentials because that be what you have rights to know.
And for when a name leaves the Patron list, have a thing that auto removes the corresponding ForgeUsername from the "allowed access" list.
It not like people would share their passwords anyway.
For me, "1.13-forge-24.0.76-1.13-pre" only ran once.
Installed, launched it and went to the title screen, closed it, launched it again, screen saying something about "Expected the boolean value false."