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Ugdhar last won the day on December 8

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    Maine, USA
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    I like to learn stuff.
    I do not provide personal support via PM.
    There may or may not be examples floating around on my github.

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  1. Please post complete logs as described in the FAQ (https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/), it will contain more information that may help figure out what your problem is.
  2. These are the Forge forums, you'd probably be better off asking in a fabric forum, if they have one.
  3. See the FAQ (https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/) on how to post logs, and please post a full log, it will have more information that could help figure out what is going wrong.
  4. See the FAQ (https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/) on how to post logs, and please post a full log, it will have more information that could help figure out what is going wrong.
  5. You do not need to post multiple times. When someone sees your post, and has an idea how to help, they will reply. Please see the FAQ (https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/) for how to provide logs. Also it appears you are using fabric, and this is a forge forums, so responses may take longer, since the software may not be used by people here.
  6. Please post logs as described in the FAQ, they will contain information that could help identify the problem
  7. You could try https://paste.ee/ found that link in the FAQ. There's also https://mclo.gs I prefer gist.github.com myself, but I believe you need an account to use github. Only other thing I could suggest if none of these options work would be splitting the log on pastebin or something, and sharing multiple links to the parts.
  8. Don't post an issue in another topic, create your own. Make sure you are using 64 bit java, 32 bit will not support 4GB+
  9. I can't tell from your crash log (perhaps debug.log would have more info?) but when i had a power outage while playing a modpack, it corrupted my save and I had to restore from a previous backup. I'd try backing up the world as it is now, and trying to load a previous backup from before the outage.
  10. Please see https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/ for information on how to post your log correctly.
  11. If you have the inventory tabs mod, that is client side only and will not run on a server.
  12. See the FAQ for information on posting logs. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/
  13. Please post logs as per the FAQ, it will have more information, forge version, etc.
  14. Not really sure what you can do if the --safeMode doesn't work, to be honest. Evidently just starting the server (I assume you ran it once you added forge/mods) was enough to embed those datapacks into your save. Hopefully there's something that can be done for you, and someone will chime in with a solution! Good luck!
  15. The problem is the save is expecting the mods it was run with, probably due to there being items/blocks/etc in the world from those mods. Try adding --safeMode to your commandline that runs the server, and see if that works. [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:mr_dungeons_andtaverns [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:torchbowmod [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:the_afterdark [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:explorerscompass [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:darkloot [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:walljump [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:terralith [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:commonnetworking [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:configlibtxf [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:forge [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:journeymap_api [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:geophilic [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:collective [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:structory [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:journeymap [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:snowballsfreezemobs [16:45:01] [ServerMain/WARN]: Missing data pack mod:naturescompass [16:45:02] [ServerMain/WARN]: Failed to load datapacks, can't proceed with server load. You can either fix your datapacks or reset to vanilla with --safeMode
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