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Everything posted by MCrafterzz

  1. Ok but how do I use the main texture sheet? I want my model to have a specific texture. How do I do that?
  2. ok removed finishDrawing. How do I bind/use the main texture sheet? How do I vertex data from a cube?
  3. I'm trying to figue out how to use the fasttesr but can't find any tutorials, examples ect. Here is the code i have so far: vertexBuffer.setTranslation(x, y, z); vertexBuffer.addVertexData(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }); this.bindTexture(resourceLocation); vertexBuffer.finishDrawing();
  4. Ok I'll test some stuff then
  5. Ok thxs. Is there any tutorials on how to use fasttesr?
  6. Ok thanks for your explantion. What i ment was that my tileentity doesn't extend itickable. Just wondering if the FastTESR or the tileentity could be optimized in any way. Thanks extended FastTESR EDIT: Is there any good tutorial/example/documentation on how to use fasttesr?
  7. Ok thanks for your reply. So a fasttesr is the way to go. What is a bakedmodel?, it would be intresting to know. It's not extending itickeble but is there any more ways this can be more optimised? EDIT: How do I make my tesr a fasttesr?
  8. Well, I'm creating a bigger version of a player head. The textures are loaded from the minecraft skin database. So a vanilla model wouldn't be able to display this texture (right?). It has a rotation tag (0-360 degres) which you can use to determine the rotation of the block. EDIT: The vanilla skull uses a tesr but it updates every tick so I wonder if there is an alternative which is less laggy
  9. It can't change texture depending on a variable, also rotating depending on a nbt tag. Creating 360 different cases wouldn't work. It just doesn't work with the vanilla renderer so I wander what custom render I can use that isn't as laggy as a TESR and that doesn't rerender every tick.
  10. I want to create a simple cube that I can rotate/scale/change texture etc. I've created a model class that extends ModelBase (for my TESR). Can I use that?
  11. Hello, I want to use a custom renderer but don't want it to update every tick like a tesr. What are the alternatives? I've heard about BakedModel is that a good alternative? The vanila renderer doesn't work for this block as it would require to many "cases" in the blockstate file and won't work for other reasons
  12. What is the difference in extending EnergyStorage or IEnergyStorage?
  13. Created a new workspace and then I could set it up without errors. Thanks for your help
  14. I'm trying to update my mod to 1.11.2 but It just crashes. Here is the error log: http://pastebin.com/AEYi8HCm
  15. Ok now 2 works. Only 1 left, I will try to debug it
  16. The registerItem will proberly get removed so I copyied it, how should I otherwise do?
  17. Also don't use register item, change it to: public static void registerItem(Item item) { String name = item.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5); if (item.getRegistryName() == null && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to register a item with no name: " + item); if (item.getRegistryName() != null && !item.getRegistryName().toString().equals(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to register a item with conflicting names. Old: " + item.getRegistryName() + " New: " + name); GameRegistry.register(item.getRegistryName() == null ? item.setRegistryName(name) : item); item.setCreativetab(modTab); }
  18. 1. this doesn't work: @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOW) public void onFillBucket(FillBucketEvent event) { if (event.getResult() != Event.Result.DEFAULT) { // event was already handled return; } // not for us to handle ItemStack emptyBucket = event.getEmptyBucket(); if (emptyBucket == null) { return; } // needs to target a block RayTraceResult target = event.getTarget(); if (target == null || target.typeOfHit != RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK) { return; } World world = event.getWorld(); BlockPos pos = target.getBlockPos(); ItemStack singleBucket = emptyBucket.copy(); singleBucket.stackSize = 1; event.setResult(Event.Result.ALLOW); event.setFilledBucket(new ItemStack(this)); }
  19. 2. public BlockEnderium() { super(FluidEnderium.instance, MaterialEnderium.enderium); displacements.put(Blocks.PORTAL, false); displacements.put(Blocks.END_PORTAL, false); } Doesn't work nor does: public BlockEnderium() { super(FluidEnderium.instance, MaterialEnderium.enderium); displacements.put(Blocks.PORTAL,true); displacements.put(Blocks.END_PORTAL, true); }
  20. 1. How to make a empty bucket pick up the custom fluid without using forges universial bucket. Bucket:http://pastebin.com/q1ffU7La 2. SOLVED
  21. I think this tutorial could be helpful: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/2666351-1-8-x-and-1-9-structure-generation-tutorial
  22. Thank you, I will take a look at that
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