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Everything posted by lethinh

  1. Hi everyone. I am having problems that I don't know how to make new line in the language file. I tried with \n but didn't work. Here is my language file:
  2. The breeding recipe is a recipe that feed two animals and create new animal
  3. I'm having problem that I do not know to how to find the breeding recipe. I would greatly appreciate your help!
  4. Thanks. I finally got it to work but it doesn't work with other mods. Could you show me how to make it work with other mods?
  5. I have followed what you said but didn't work. It didn't spawn the correct spawn egg. Here is my code: public boolean itemInteractionForEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer playerIn, EntityLivingBase target, EnumHand hand) { if (target.worldObj.isRemote || !(target instanceof EntityAnimal) || target instanceof EntityMob) { return false; } String entityId = EntityList.getEntityString(target); if (EntityList.ENTITY_EGGS.containsKey(entityId)) { ItemStack spawnEgg = new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG); NBTTagCompound compound = spawnEgg.hasTagCompound() ? spawnEgg.getTagCompound() : new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagCompound tagCompound = new NBTTagCompound(); tagCompound.setString("id", entityId); compound.setTag("AnimalTag", tagCompound); spawnEgg.setTagCompound(compound); playerIn.worldObj.removeEntity(target); InventoryUtils.dropItemStack(target.worldObj, target.getPosition(), spawnEgg); } return true; }
  6. The title says all! Do I need to do some render or dimensional teleporter?
  7. I'm having a problem that I don't know how to check whether the entity match the spawn egg or not
  8. I have heard everyone that using java reflector is better than access transformer. But I don't know how to use java reflector. Could you guys explain me how to use that? I am very appreciated with your help!
  9. It is so weird. It just happened on Windows but it is not showing the black screen when I played on Linux
  10. Here is my fml-client-latest.log: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/letruongthinh/ee45f7253dbceeec8c94665131bcd6aa/raw/97ded95c0992d2762dd6c0fc4804b7336569c54c/fml-client-lastest.log Here is my latest.log: https://gist.github.com/letruongthinh/18e40aa3516efb645c968a9db678ef11 My DxDiag system file: https://gist.github.com/letruongthinh/190d6d53df6a8ff41c869d7dade6316a And I'm very happy if you guys can fix this problem!
  11. You need to create a block. Then create a event and then register it. In the event. + You must check whether the entity is null. + You have to check if we have just jumped out from the block + And do the method, get the block, state (from the entity) and check if the block is the CustomBounceBlock. For example: https://pastebin.com/SCEPCZVZ
  12. I'm trying to create a kind of crafting table that use power to process
  13. The crafting table doesn't use TileEntity. It use InterfaceObject
  14. I tried it. Didn't work the ContainerFurnace has two progresses that is burn time and cook time.
  15. Well, I may forget to put state.getBlockHardness in the code so that the code didn't work. I have put it in the first but seem like I have deleted it. Thanks
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