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Everything posted by Insane96MCP

  1. Yep, my stupid brain was thinking: "You can't since he drops experience over time"
  2. There's no way to change ender dragon experience drop?
  3. Oh like Items and Blocks.
  4. I'm trying to use Enchantment.REGISTRY.register() Is it the right way? It is not. The game crashes. So what's the right way?
  5. Just two questions Why? And I can use my loot tables by putting them in resources/mod_id/loot_tables/whatever_folder_I_want?
  6. That's what I wanted But this will be pretty useful for another mod. Thanks all
  7. I want to make a mob (wither skeleton) drop nothing (so set the loot table to empty) and drop no experience too. There's any way to change those?
  8. I have have a mod (this one) and last night got an issue where if server (multiplayer server) and client have mismatching config, the mod behaves wrongly. Shouldn't server automagically override/apply to client?
  9. I thought there was somewhere where I could read it. Thanks
  10. Configuration class
  11. How I can create nested categories in the config file E.g. general{ I:property=1 nested_general{ I:property_in_nested=2 } }
  12. There's anyway to get End Portal's Height (in the End)?
  13. Any good tutorial / guide / vanilla packet I can see from for custom packets?
  14. I'm trying to get a Capability value for a player in RenderGameOverlayEvent but from there I can only get the PlayerSP and seems like the the capability is not sent. How do I send changes to client as soon as I update the capability's values? Actual Code: https://github.com/Insane-96/IguanaTweaksReborn/blob/master/common/net/insane96mcp/iguanatweaks/modules/ModuleMovementRestriction.java#L271
  15. Preventing the player from placing blocks when jumping
  16. Still isJumping is always false. When should EntityPlayerMP#isJumping be true?
  17. How do I get the dimension id from the world?
  18. So if the entity has joined the End, EntityJoinWorldEvent#getWorld() will be the End world with subsequent entities, etc.?
  19. I'm trying to get every entity in an AABB (with EntityJoinWorldEvent#getWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABB()) but it checks for the current dimension or the whole world. I mean, if a zombie is at x:25, y:64, z:-100 in the nether and call getEntitiesWithinAABB() in the overworld, but where the zombie is in the nether, does the zombie get counted? And how I can get every Player in a dimension? (e.g. End)
  20. Oh, didn't see it. Thank you. But still isAirborne is not used?
  21. I'm trying to check when the player is jumping, but there's no field isJumping and the isAirBorne seems to not work properly as it is always false.
  22. I'm trying to get the senses of a mob to modify them and EntityLiving.class.getDeclaredField("senses") works untill I'm in the dev enviroment, but as mod, i get java.lang.NoSuchFieldException. I know I should change the "senses" string into the field_xxxxxx name, but how I can know the field's name?
  23. The old I should pass it the Interface class, an implementation of IStorate and the implementation of the interface. The new one asks for a constructor reference. Nevermind, just found out that I have to use PlayerData::new. I don't even know what that means. Sorry for bothering you but another question: Shouldn't capabilities be saved after quitting a world? I've quit my world but upon logging in the capabilities were empty
  24. Oh gosh, thank you. Another question. the register method for capabilities is Deprecated (in 1.12). How to use the new register?
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