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Everything posted by Insane96MCP

  1. Yeah you may have more java versions
  2. That did the job by checking if the StrVsBlock is > 1.0f
  3. Don't think so since I need to know if an Item can harvest the Block as Tool, not Level
  4. But this is not true for the NetherBrick
  5. How what?
  6. As you can see on the right side of the F3 screen, with forge your minecraft runs with the sheetty integrated GPU, while the non-forge runs with the UberPowerful GPU. Just change that. YOu should be able to do this from desktop > rightclick > NVIDIA control panel and there you have to set the right GPU. It's not a forge problem. I assume that you run the non-forge version from the original launcher and the Forge version from a different launcher (Twitch App, MultiMC, etc.) That gave me an headache for a month when I bought a new PC for "Why I have now a powerful computer and minecraft runs at 20 FPS??"
  7. Do you have any mod installed (other than Optifine)? Could you send an F3-screen screenshot in-game? Do you experience something like this?
  8. I'm checking if the tool I'm using on blocks is effective on those. But for some reasons, netherbrick's harvestTool is null and not "pickaxe" Printing the actual tool class, block's unloalized name and block's harvestTool System.out.println(toolClass + " " + block.getUnlocalizedName() + " " + block.getHarvestTool(event.getState())); Outputs pickaxe tile.netherBrick null
  9. Nevermind. Found out that I can use %d / %s / ... and the parameters parameter in I18n.format()
  10. There's any convention I should use for placeholders?
  11. Thanks everyone. I18n did the job. Another small question. How can I add a space after a string in the lang file? Like tooltip.item.base_info=This is an OP sword <-Space Seems like minecraft doesn't recognize the space. Nevermind. I'm stupid. ^ The same question goes for a space after the equal (=) tooltip.item.base_info= This is an OP sword In this case, minecraft doesn't recognize the string at all. I had to do tooltip.add(I18n.format("tooltip.item.base_info") + " "); and tooltip.add(" " + I18n.format("tooltip.item.base_info")); but I don't think that is a neat solution
  12. I would like to have item information with addInformation() but have it localized. I've tried with tooltip.add(ChatFormatting.DARK_PURPLE + "descr.bonus.hoe"); but is not working
  13. But the second one is not registered. It's just a Method
  14. It shouldn't since I have another LivingHurtEvent that works https://github.com/Insane-96/GalaxiteMod/tree/master/common/net/insane96mcp/galaxite
  15. I have those 2 simple subscribed events: @SubscribeEvent public void PlayerDropsEvent(PlayerDropsEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getEntity(); System.out.println("Drop " + entity); } @SubscribeEvent public void PlayerRespawnEvent(PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent event) { System.out.println(event.player); } But none of them are called, neither when the player dies and when he respawns
  16. The problem is that I've tried but the game crashes saying that the block has been registered twice: ResourceLocation location = new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "farmland"); newFarmland = new BlockNewFarmland(); newFarmland.setRegistryName(location); newFarmland.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.DECORATIONS); GameRegistry.register(newFarmland); GameRegistry.register(new ItemBlock(newFarmland), location); What's the point of this reply?
  17. Let's say I want to change how Farmland works (e.g. want to add a new propertyInteger to the block), or beacon. What should I do? Create a new block, with most of the same attributes and methods, and replace (using events) the vanilla one? Or there's some other method that works better?
  18. As already said, I managed to do it. No need to instantiate every mob:
  19. The problem is that I'm using a vanilla method, and it should work alone.
  20. I was doing the wrong way around. The solution is the opposite if (EntityCreature.class.isAssignableFrom(EntityList.getClass(entity))) //returns true if entity is a subtype of EntityCreature
  21. Yeah, I meant the resource location for the lightning bolt does this what?
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