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Everything posted by clowcadia

  1. Ok i did that , so i corrected the comparissopn, along with nbt, now how can i pass the items nbt values to an ai task? https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/items/ItemTarget.java https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/living/Test.java https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/living/ai/AIGoto.java
  2. what part of my code exactly, passing values from my Item class?
  3. Yep, got that as for the data in item, its just temporary i am just trying to get it to work before i do the correct way of things
  4. both syntag error underlined red but apperantly foodstack.getItem() works
  5. i am trying to compare an itemstack , to what i inserted in the container if(foodStack.equals(ItemHandler.target)){ if(foodStack == ItemHandler.target){
  6. As thus comparing with unlocalized names, what are other ways of comparing?
  7. I am sorry, just recently i dont get much responce.. for like days sometimes. it is understanding after a day when i figure it out just its true i am impatient and i like input thats all
  8. is it just me or i am being ignored?
  9. I am trying to pass the targetPos BlockPos value to my AI Task so it can use it try and go to its xyz but on should execute its apears as null https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/living/Test.java https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/living/ai/AIGoto.java
  10. the position of a black i right click on using item
  11. I am trying to figure out how to find block position by using item right click method. I looked at item egg class and item bow and entity egg class along with entity bow, nothing understandable thus yet
  12. no errors, just not executing \ entityWolf is the class i have been following along with entityAIFolowOwner
  13. updated link https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/living/ai/AIGoto.java
  14. nvm, it only work when the game is nto totally loaded
  15. found something on github that fixed it, code from 2012 none the less...
  16. Tried this, https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/entities/Test.java https://github.com/Clowcadia/MinecraftForge/blob/master/1.11/NPCTesting/src/main/java/com/clowcadia/test/ai/TaskAIGoTo.java
  17. Looking through task ais, its quite complicated, i wonder if anyone can set me in the right direction
  18. both eclipse and jidea, both same results, testing on wolfs too, on entry they are sitted and i cant give them a bone either
  19. i want to be the owner of my entity prementantly , since each time i exit the client it resets me when i come back in
  20. is there a way to set my player unique id on start up
  21. thank you
  22. Where....
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