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Everything posted by TehSeph

  1. Well, RedPower did it back in way back in 1.2.5, so yeah I'd say it's possible and has been for a while. What you're really trying to ask is how, and that's a bit more difficult to answer. Basically look at the two things you want to combine (workbench and furnace) and figure out how each work and combine them. You'll also need to make custom recipe and crafting handlers. It's a lot of work, and nobody is going to just have a simple answer for you.
  2. new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE) Use "OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE" as your damage value.
  3. That'll do it. Also make sure your blockname and .lang file match. The screenshot under my last post shows they're not.
  4. Use the "section sign" character (§), not an "ampersand" (&). And remember to reset at the end. tile.copperOre.name=§aCopper Ore§r
  5. There's your problem. Use Gradle to export, the same way you used it to create your sources. The command is "gradlew build". When it's finished your mod .jar will be in the build/libs/ folder.
  6. You're not re-obfuscating. How are you exporting your mod? Make sure to use Gradle, not Eclipse.
  7. shieldbug already told you everything you need to do. And the method he is talking about is getIcon(side, metadata).
  8. I don't really understand what to do In your code GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(silverCoin), new Object[]{"HC", 'C', copperCoin, 'H', bankerHammer}); needs to be GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(silverCoin), new Object[]{"HC", 'C', copperCoin, 'H', new ItemStack(bankerHammer, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE)}); or like Busti said you can use Short.MAX_VALUE instead of OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE if your absolutely bothered by 13 extra letters and 1 extra import. :rollseyes:
  9. Your recipe for coins need to be registered to an ItemStack with a meta value of "OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE" instead of bankerHammer in order for you to use the hammer multiple times in crafting with any damage value.
  10. This works. All formatting codes should work, but be safe and reset at the end of the name.
  11. Your "glowcap" herb is trying to register an index of 4048 for the icon array in the super constructor to BlockFlower() which is WAY out of bounds (and you should be overwriting with your own anyway). I'm guessing you were trying to use that number for an id which in 1.7 don't exist anymore. Also why are you casting to BlockFlower when it already extends it? And why are there blocks in your item package? A lot of your code makes no sense. I don't mean to be rude. But don't just copy vanilla classes without understanding how they work first.
  12. There is a gui handler in the com.krealle.handler package and it's coded correctly, but I don't see any calls to the proxy.registerNetworkStuff() function that registers it anywhere in your main class. So, my guess is that it's never actually registered to forge and that's why you're getting an error as though you didn't have one. Technically, you don't.
  13. Line 11 of your reference class. "com.jack.jacksmod.client.gui.GuiFactory"
  14. super() and setMaxStackSize() both look fine with the code you provided above. How exactly are they not working?
  15. getContainerItemStack(ItemStack itemStack) has changed to getContainerItem(ItemStack itemStack), also make sure to use @Override.
  16. Why didn't you just edit your post here and bump that?
  17. Me? Is this frowned on? I'll stop.
  18. It would look something like this: public static void removeRecipes(ItemStack removeItem) { List recipes = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList(); for (int i = 0; i < recipes.size(); i++) { IRecipe curRecipe = (IRecipe) recipes.get(i); ItemStack recipeResult = curRecipe.getRecipeOutput(); if (ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual(removeItem, recipeResult)) { recipes.remove(i--); } } } And then later create your new recipe in the same way as you would normally. If this doesn't make sense, I can't help you.
  19. Yep. That did it. I knew it would be something easy. Stupid me. Not sure why I didn't think to override it nor missed the itemID integer. Thank you very much.
  20. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/board,120.0.html Or more specifically, 1) http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials-1-7/basic-modding/basic-modding-multi-texture-blocks/ 2) Copy CreativeTabs.java and @Override getTabIconItem() to return your item instead. 3) Delete it from CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList() and re-add it using GameRegistry.addRecipe() Edit: Ninja'd.
  21. Bump~ I've updated to 1.7.10- and the problem still persists. I'm betting it's something super simple that I'm just missing because my code is virtually the same as it was back in 1.5.2, just with the new localization methods and no LanguageRegistry which I'm thinking might be the cause. Back in 1.5.2 I had to assign different unlocalized names for each different itemstack. (a few other things might have been tweaked too, but nothing else I would think would cause this.)
  22. I don't feel anyone is going to help you until you fix this. It makes your code VERY hard to read with poor formatting and emoticons. (And it makes your posts unnecessarily long.) [ code ]YOUR CODE[ /code ] Without the spaces. If you're still having issues, use Gist https://gist.github.com/ Edit: And with either method, make sure to use different tags or gists for each class. I just noticed you had multiple classes, if that shows just how difficult it is to read just slapped on the forum.
  23. --username takes the actual Mojang login username (more than likely your email), not the display name, and needs to be paired with --password.
  24. Have a look at the vanilla BlockBush BlockDoublePlant class. That should tell you most of what you need to know.
  25. What you're trying to do is achieved with renderers or stacked blocks, not larger textures. Minecraft only accepts equal sized textures that are powers of 2s. What everyone above has been telling you to do is fix your textures into 2 separate parts and get them working first before they can supply any more help. As for how to do this: Try looking at the actual code of the Sunflowers, Lilacs, Rose Bushes, and other flowers you're trying to mimic.
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