I am trying to add my own Villiager.
In order to create its profession I also need to create its POI.
However, the constructor for PointOfIntrestType is private. Infact, 99% of the class is private. While I can use the differed registry to order things correctly, it obv creates an error when I try to instantiate the private class.
public static final RegistryObject<PointOfInterestType> MONEY_POI = POI.register("money_machine",
// First #1 is the number of villigers who can use block at a time,
() -> new PointOfInterestType("money_machine", getAllStates(MONEY_MACHINE.get()), 1, (SoundEvent) null, 1));
Above is how they are created, but, new PointOfInterestType is private.
Minecraft seems to create them with a function called func_226359_a_, however, this is also private. Has anyone got custom villagers working in 1.15.2?