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[1.16.5]Anyway to prevent BREAKABLE ItemStack from breaking and meanwhile run a function?


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Hello everyone. Greeting.

My situation is: I need to stop an ItemStack (such as armors, tools) from break under certain condition (such as having certain Enchantment/tag value).

I've tried LivingEntityUseItemEvent and PlayerDestroyItemEvent. LivingEntityUseItemEvent didn't get fired when my 1-durability sword broke. PlayerDestroyItemEvent only got fired at the first try for unknown-reason, and here is my code for it:

    public static void doToolsFindTheWayEnchantmentEvent(PlayerDestroyItemEvent event){
            if(ItemUtil.isItemEnchanted(event.getOriginal(),EnchantmentRegistry.tools_find_the_way_enchantment.get())) {
                int expTotal = ((PlayerEntity) event.getEntityLiving()).experienceTotal;
                if (expTotal > 1) {
                    int expNeeded = event.getOriginal().getMaxDamage() * 2;
                    ItemStack itemStack = event.getOriginal().copy();
                    if (expNeeded <= expTotal) {
                        ((PlayerEntity) event.getEntityLiving()).giveExperiencePoints(-expNeeded);
                    } else {
                        itemStack.setDamage(itemStack.getMaxDamage() - (expTotal / 2));
                        if (expTotal % 2 == 1)
                            ((PlayerEntity) event.getEntityLiving()).giveExperiencePoints(-expTotal + 1);
                        else ((PlayerEntity) event.getEntityLiving()).giveExperiencePoints(-expTotal);
                    event.getPlayer().world.addEntity(new ItemEntity(event.getPlayer().world, event.getPlayer().getPosX(), event.getPlayer().getPosY(), event.getPlayer().getPosZ(), itemStack.copy()));


PlayerDestroyItemEvent only got fired at the first time I run the code and then no matter how I try (when I did not change the code) it never reach line 3. Seem like PlayerDestroyItemEvent did not got called.

Ok, back to the question: I got a idea that I can use PlayerTickEvent to scan the whole PlayerEntity's Inventory and check every ItemStack. But this solution seems so efficiency-expensive, Is there any solution or idea I can you?

Thank you so much! My English might not be so accurate but thank you.

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