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[Solved!] Problems with mod (Ore Generation, error at startup)


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Ahhhh it feels nice knowing i'm not crazy, and that its not just me it wont work for. The tutorial i got it from never mentioned anything about any of this, as well as any tutorial i ever saw, none said anything about preInit, or Init. Unless I just have bad luck with tutorials... Anyways, a quick google search finds me this https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/tags/10.0.1/opensso/products/amserver/source/com/iplanet/am/sdk/ldap/EventManager.java Now i'm just wondering if i put it in my project files if i can import it and if this will all go away... With the more and more blocks i am adding as time goes on, the errors are just piling up in the log... D: I will post results in a few minutes. Also, the tutorial i got the inits and such from was a few replies to this topic ago...

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I'm pretty sure (as in 110% sure!) that the mentioned event manager you linked is NOT the one intended.

A random class called event manager will probably NOT do what you intend it to ;)

So don't bother!

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Looking into the code again I can't see why you would need that event manager thing, I'm pretty sure you can just remove it as it's not doing ANYTHING as far as I can tell :) If it's needed we can handle that afterwards ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Thank you for the link, once i finish the large part of my mod that i'm determined to finish before I focus on something else, I will certainly focus my time on the info you sent. I have a lot planned for my mod and being able to solve things like this myself would be awesome.


Also, I figured about as much with that random class I found. But for the heck of it, I figured i'd mention it. I have been so busy changing things and responding, that i haven't even got a chance to try it out.

Sad part of this all is, if its not in eclipse, there probably isn't a fix for this....... Not one that I can see anyways, if the class isn't even there...


Also again, (you keep posting replies, so i am just responding to them all in parts, so this is one big reply) I was kinda thinking the same too, but Bishamonten had it in his example code, so I added it in. I am about to remove it now, and i will see what happens. Unfortunately, due to the timing of the responses i have gotten on this, I must finish the code i am writing right now (that will take a while, a lot of typing, class creation, and other things, basically about 50 classes to create and make functional... yeah a lot to do) before minecraft will even start i believe... I will see now, if it works, i will be very thrilled, and will thank every reply you gave, because you didn't just leave one response and leave, you provided more help than that, and stayed along until it worked. So thank you tons for that, it means a lot.

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Nope, i need to get all the importing and class writing done before i will know if this works. But since all the errors in the block registering code is gone, i think this problem is finally solved :D hmm, wonder if i can comment the code out that needs finishing..... Ok, i will do that so i can see if it works sooner.

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Let me see if I can make you're life a bit easier..


50 classes you say? is that by any chance like 20-30 new blocks which all just have different textures, names, id and drops? Then you can do that in 20-30 lines instead of 20-30 block classes, just so you know ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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not sure exactly what you did but glad it all works as you wanted it :D

I guess you figured out how to add functionally equal blocks/items by reusing the same class with different parameters/setMethodParameters? :)


I'm really happy you got here and read that before you started working then :D



Edit: I tought only some of them was blocks and some where other stuff, just a guess at the numbers mate nothing else ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Ah that makes more sense, haha. At the top, i will probably point out what i did wrong, so anyone else who may be looking at this knows how to fix it. Erm, I do not believe I have... I said i saw a post on how, but I didn't read it... Now I cant find it and i regret not bookmarking it.... Anyways, does the same principal apply for items by any chance?


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It's not a minecraft principle it's an programming principle.


I normally don't do this but since you have shown you are willing to learn, i'll do it ;)


public class Animal {
String Type;
String Name;
  public Animal(string type, String name) {
  Name = name;
  Type = type;

public void SayHello()
   Console.PrintLine("Hello I'm a " + type + " and my name is " + name + "!");


if you create two Animals

Animal animal1 = new Animal("Dog", "Albert");
Animal animal2 = new Animal("Cat", "Daisy");


this would result in the following output:

Hello I'm a Dog and my name is Albert!

Hello I'm a Cat and my name is Daisy!


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Ah that makes more sense, haha. At the top, i will probably point out what i did wrong, so anyone else who may be looking at this knows how to fix it.


Anyways this all hopefully just proved to you how much time you can save by learning JAVA properly before you start on that large portion of you're mod.

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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I meant principal as the same process. Principal may not have been the right word... Same idea may have been better wording. Anyways,

So what you are saying, is outside the "public class hbhbtm {}",  i would write, "public class blocknewblock1 {" and then put the code that i would have put in the actual class, inside the brackets?


(btw, some family came over, so that's why i had a late response)


Anyways, yeah i have a tendency to just "wing it" with a lot of things, but usually i can figure it out, and if i cant, even after searching google, well, here i am.... The large portion isn't that much, its just a lot of repetitive things, adding like 50 items. I just chose to do it all at once, since i was going to do it all anyways. Also, i started this a few days after i made this topic, I had no idea it would effect this... (time wise) Also, i am about half way done with that large portion. I just saved the most boring and time consuming for last(creating all the classes)

Edit: I actually did have some programming background, not a ton, but some.(python, lua, and a little java) So I guess I wasn't really "winging" it with this.

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Yes you could that, but you could also just do this:


Block block1 = (new MyBlock(671, "textureName")).setHardness(1F).SetName("First Block");

Block block2 = new MyBlock(672, "textureName");


and just set the texture inside the constructor and reg it as usual in the reg method.


Or you could if you name the block the same as the png, just use the blockname instead when you reg it and then just change the ID and .setName between blocks.

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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If i do this, "Block Block1 = new MyBlock1(1165, "Blank1");" it still asks me to create a class for it, (as usual) am i missing something?



Side question, can you use .SetName("Block name thats an example") instead of LanguageRegistry.addName(block1, "Block 1")?

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OHHHH, it all makes sense now... As you may have noticed, i tend to read things wrong... :( i can't help it either... its been a problem my whole life... even if reading slow

Anyways, that one class, would it look like mojang's block.class?

Or just like any old block class that i would have now?

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it could just be something like this:


public class MyBlockNameHere extends Block
String TextureLocation;
public MyBlockNameHere (int ID, String texture)
TextureLocation = texture;

    public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) {
       this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(modID +":" + TextureLocation );


Something along those lines should work fine

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Yeahhhhh in what i was trying, i missed like, well, all of it... :(


Edit: Like usual with me, when i try to do something, I end up causing more damage than good.... xD well, time to decompile minecraft again and get a new Block.java.... No idea what i clicked that made it have an error now.... it wasn't even open.... Anyway, the code you gave, had many errors that i am trying to fix... I may have got it.... xD

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Yeahhhhh in what i was trying, i missed like, well, all of it... :(


Edit: Like usual with me, when i try to do something, I end up causing more damage than good.... xD well, time to decompile minecraft again and get a new Block.java.... No idea what i clicked that made it have an error now.... it wasn't even open.... Anyway, the code you gave, had many errors that i am trying to fix... I may have got it.... xD


Well it was all from memory but all the things inn there should be inside the other blocks you made so with a few changes one of them would do ;)



If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Well i will keep playing with it, I may mess things up, (all the time :( ), but i don't give up, and if i do, i fix what i messed up first. Not the point, I will continue trying to get it to work. Currently, it has no errors, but minecraft's block.java does :L gotta fix that (no idea how the heck that got messed up... i didn't touch it...)

Edit: forgot i had a copy of a fresh MCP and Forge setup, yay!

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that's weird, you must have touched it by an accident :)


Anyways you see how many easy ways there are to do things once you learn more programming, so I do again recommend that you take some time to do that. But I do understand that coding is more doing progress and that's more fun :)


PS: Check you're PM box ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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I think one of the "quick fixes" i clicked opened it and did something to it. Even with a brand new block.java, the error is still there.... i am going to ignore it for now, i don't think it means anything if its the same on a brand new one. A while back when I was getting into Lua in the computercraft mod, once i discovered functions, i was like "OMG THIS IS AMAZING!" So im betting i will have similar encounters. I would never have known I had a PM unless you pointed it out xD I never look there.

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There's some setting somewhere to get it as a popup somehow, don't know where but you could find it somewhere under settings I think ;)


Anyways yeah, it's awesome with those "OH NICE!!!" moments when you realize something cool and you can just implement it and you're life is 10x easier and you're code looks so much neater ;)




Use good variable and method names, don't call stuff asdk and someMethod() even if you remember it yourself that way. Someday you will want help and then the code better be readable ;)

Also once you may want to work with someone and then it's kind of a must as well :D

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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