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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Davidthemodder said:

I want to make the player to do somethingwhen I press V. How?

  1. create the keybinding
  2. Register the keybinding with ClientRegistry#registerKeyBinding in the FMLClientSetupEvent
  3. uses the ClientTickEvent to check whether your KeyBinding is pressed and send a custom packet to the server (using a SimpleChannel)
  4. execute the code / your action in the handle method of your custom message (packet)

okay the whole thing was very theoretical, here a practical example

Message (Packet)

Edited by Luis_ST
On 5/15/2021 at 3:51 PM, diesieben07 said:

Subscribe to ClientTickEvent, check if the phase is START. Check if your key binding has been pressed and if so, perform whatever action you want.

Thank you for your help.

On 5/15/2021 at 3:56 PM, Luis_ST said:
  1. create the keybinding
  2. Register the keybinding with ClientRegistry#registerKeyBinding in the FMLClientSetupEvent
  3. uses the ClientTickEvent to check whether your KeyBinding is pressed and send a custom packet to the server (using a SimpleChannel)
  4. execute the code / your action in the handle method of your custom message (packet)

okay the whole thing was very theoretical, here a practical example

Message (Packet)

And without you I would never have found out how to run the code.

On 5/15/2021 at 3:56 PM, Luis_ST said:
  1. create the keybinding
  2. Register the keybinding with ClientRegistry#registerKeyBinding in the FMLClientSetupEvent
  3. uses the ClientTickEvent to check whether your KeyBinding is pressed and send a custom packet to the server (using a SimpleChannel)
  4. execute the code / your action in the handle method of your custom message (packet)

okay the whole thing was very theoretical, here a practical example

Message (Packet)

I did everything like you did but it always crashes when I try it.


public static final KeyBinding KEY = new KeyBinding("Fly",GLFW.GLFW_KEY_V, "Ultimate Sheep Mod");

@SubscribeEvent public static void doClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event){ ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(UltimateSheepMod.KEY); }


@SubscribeEvent public static void fly(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event){ if(event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START){ if(UltimateSheepMod.KEY.isKeyDown()){ ModPacketHandler.simpleChannel.sendToServer(new FlyActivateMessage()); } } }


public class ModPacketHandler { private static final String version = "1"; private static int id = 0; public static SimpleChannel simpleChannel; public static void init(){ simpleChannel = NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel(new ResourceLocation("usm:simple_channel"), () -> version, version::equals, version::equals); simpleChannel.registerMessage(id++, FlyActivateMessage.class, FlyActivateMessage::encode, FlyActivateMessage::decode, FlyActivateMessage::handle, Optional.of(NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER)); } }


public class FlyActivateMessage { public static void encode(FlyActivateMessage message,PacketBuffer packetBuffer) { } public static FlyActivateMessage decode(PacketBuffer packetBuffer) { return new FlyActivateMessage(); } public static void handle(FlyActivateMessage message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> networkContext) { ServerPlayerEntity player = networkContext.get().getSender(); networkContext.get().enqueueWork(() -> { }); networkContext.get().setPacketHandled(true); } }

1 hour ago, Davidthemodder said:

I did everything like you did but it always crashes when I try it.

please post your code use the code feature or use github or something similar like that

56 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

please post your code use the code feature or use github or something similar like that

public static final KeyBinding KEY = new KeyBinding("Fly",GLFW.GLFW_KEY_V, "Ultimate Sheep Mod"); 
    public static void doClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event){
    public static void fly(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event){
        if(event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START){
                ModPacketHandler.simpleChannel.sendToServer(new FlyActivateMessage());
public class ModPacketHandler {
    private static final String version = "1";
    private static int id = 0;
    public static SimpleChannel simpleChannel;
    public static void init(){
        simpleChannel = NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel(new ResourceLocation("usm:simple_channel"), () -> version, version::equals, version::equals);
        simpleChannel.registerMessage(id++, FlyActivateMessage.class, FlyActivateMessage::encode, FlyActivateMessage::decode,
                FlyActivateMessage::handle, Optional.of(NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER));

Like this?

54 minutes ago, Davidthemodder said:

Like this?


52 minutes ago, Davidthemodder said:

There is no error but it crashes as soon as I press the key

looks okay, do you register the packet handler?

9 minutes ago, Davidthemodder said:

Here the Crash report.

please post this class "com.Cake.usm.events.ModClientEvent"
because a NullPointerException was thrown in this class

Just now, Luis_ST said:

please post this class "com.Cake.usm.events.ModClientEvent"
because a NullPointerException was thrown in this class

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = UltimateSheepMod.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT)
public class ModClientEvent {
    public static void lightning(AttackEntityEvent event){
        if(event.getEntityLiving().getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() == ModItems.LIGHTNING_HAMMER.get()){
            LightningBoltEntity lightning = new LightningBoltEntity(EntityType.LIGHTNING_BOLT,event.getEntity().world);
            lightning.setPosition(event.getTarget().getPosX(), event.getTarget().getPosY(), event.getTarget().getPosZ());
    public static void onCrafting(GuiOpenEvent event){
        if (event.isCancelable()){
            if (event.getGui() instanceof CraftingScreen){
                if (event.getResult().equals(Items.APPLE)){
    public static void fly(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event){
        if(event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START){
                ModPacketHandler.simpleChannel.sendToServer(new FlyActivateMessage());
    public static void doClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event){
    public static void doCommonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent event){


Posted (edited)

you only register your packet handler on the client side, move the FMLCommonSetup event to a class without Dist#CLIENT

Edited by Luis_ST
3 minutes ago, Davidthemodder said:

You mean like ModServerEvent?

the packet handler must be registered on both sides (server and client), there must be no dist in the EventBusSubscriber

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Luis_ST said:

the packet handler must be registered on both sides (server and client), there must be no dist in the EventBusSubscriber

Can I just do it twice?

EDIT: Like on Server and on the Client in the two classes?

Edited by Davidthemodder
1 minute ago, Davidthemodder said:

Can I just do it twice?

EDIT: Like on Server and on the Client in the two classes?

no, do this in one class, if you have a class for server event and one for client events then create one for both (ModCommonEvent)

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