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[1.16] How to render water in screen


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I have created a Container with a FluidTank Slot. In order to draw this on the Screen, I need to get the texture of the Fluid and draw it transparently in the case of water.
1. How do I get the texture of a fluid?
2. How can I draw transparent (and animate) water?

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I did a little research and coded it with reference to the mod that draws the liquid in the GUI in the same way, but the liquid is not drawn, only the noise-like thing is displayed small. What's wrong?


private void renderFluid(MatrixStack matrixStack, Tank tank) {
	int x = tank.getXPos();
	int y = tank.getYPos();
	FluidStack fluidStack = tank.getStack();
	AbstractGUI.blit(matrixStack, x, y, this.getBlitOffset(), 0, 0, 16, 16, 16, 16);

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private void renderFluid(MatrixStack matrixStack, Tank tank) {
	// 33;
	int x = tank.getXPos();
	int y = tank.getYPos();

	// FluidStack fluidStack = tank.getStack();
	FluidStack fluidStack = new FluidStack(Fluids.WATER, 1);
	TextureAtlasSprite fluidSprite = this.minecraft.getAtlasSpriteGetter(PlayerContainer.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE)
	if (!fluidStack.isEmpty()) {
	AbstractGui.blit(matrixStack, this.guiLeft + x, this.guiTop + y, this.getBlitOffset(), 16, 16, fluidSprite);

I was able to draw the texture of water for the time being. However, I haven't drawn the overlay yet, so it remains gray. How do I apply the overlay to make it blue?

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